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It's gotten more open and easy to create a business on the Internet. That's a really awesome thing for entrepreneurs and for the world.
I want to go to college. I'm going to take four years off. I don't want to miss that. I want to be a writer. I think that'd be awesome.
It's an awesome thing to be flung out onto the stage twice a weekend in front of 250 people, and you have to make it up as you go along.
Twitter is awesome to share news with fans, but I would never choose to only have social media and put everything in my life on display.
I think it's awesome to have social media as a platform to progress and build. Of course, using it in the most positive and genuine way.
I'd been dating my husband for about a year, and I'd already kissed George Clooney, Ashton Kutcher and Gerard Butler. Awesome year, right?
National Geographic has awesome stuff. I like Court TV. Sometimes I'll watch Reality Mix because they have some interesting stuff on that.
I know there are many things California can offer - personally, professionally, meteorologically - that New York can't. It sounds awesome.
I can only think of one wacky best friend who I thought was awesome: Rhys Ifans in 'Notting Hill.' He really nailed the wacky best friend.
What we do is not easy. And if someone like Ronda Rousey wants to come and be a part of what we do, and that's her passion? That's awesome.
I mean, if I was living to please people, I'd have never been in a band at all. I wouldn't have anything awesome around. I'd just be bored.
I love Michael Keaton. I think he's awesome - he's such an awesome actor - like the 'Beetlejuice' films. I just love that Tim Burton stuff.
When I first came to NXT, I was wearing the neon stuff. Then I got away from it and ended up being a Funkadactyl dancer, which was awesome.
To know that so many people have our backs and support us is an awesome thing. You need people saying, 'Hey man, I'm with you all the way.'
I was intimidated by Malkovich for, like, a couple of days, and then I wasn't. He's awesome. He's so cool. He was so wonderful to work with.
I'd be pretty saddened to hear anyone say, 'Yeah, listen to this... God, I'm awesome, the way this all sits together,' about their own work.
It is less fun to talk about what I am feeling rather than what I am thinking. Saying 'I feel awesome' isn't really interesting or enquiring.
I am honored to be a part of that awesome talent, and to have experienced some of the pinnacle moments of the evolution of women's wrestling.
These fans are the reason why we're here. They're awesome and very crazy. They love Avenged Sevenfold, and we love them. Having that is rare.
Now that I'm with RCA, they were able to get radio on board, and it's just really awesome to see their support and 'What Ifs' going to No. 1.
It was a lot of fun working with J.J. Abrams. He got me to drive a Corvette, which was pretty awesome, and jumping out of it was even cooler.
I'm starting to get a following on Twitter. That's a really awesome power to have. It gives me the opportunity to make any kind of art I want.
I'm not able to make amazingly perfect, precious pieces of content, but I get to make awesome spontaneous content that's frequently ephemeral.
Advice is always awesome because it never makes any sense when you compare it all together. It always contradicts other advice. I love advice.
I think the biggest challenge over time is that we stay creative and making sure that we continue to launch awesome products that people love.
I had amazing stuff happen right off the top. I thought this was how it worked. Hollywood is awesome! Cut to three years later: What happened?
Vince Vaughn is a genuine person, awesome guy. He'll come to a lot of my shows. It's not that often that you can meet someone as cool as Vince.
Working with Michael Jackson was awesome. He was an incredible entertainer, dancer, singer, magician, everything, and he was really sweet, too.
I am awesome. I'm the most must-see WWE superstar: I'm proven inside the ring and outside the ring. I'm the best on the mic; I get the ratings.
For me personally, to hop onboard and use the amazing success and blessings in my life to pull off something like the 30/30 Project is awesome.
Overall, I'd say I was an awesome bookseller, but probably not the best book shelver. I loved recommending books and helping people find books.
The thought of me not having to clock in for a job anymore is something that I can't really put into words, aside from 'amazing' and 'awesome.'
Adele's amazing, I think the world of her and her music and I think Tinie Tempah is cool. To work with someone like Kanye West would be awesome.
When actresses jump on the anti-Iraq bandwagon, they often combine down-home momism with an ignorance of Islamist intent which is truly awesome.
I would love to raise a fund or get some awesome empowered women together and put together an advisory board to get behind female entrepreneurs.
I told my parents, 'You've taken care of me all my life, helped me through college. You've been awesome, but now it's my turn to be my own man.'
It would have been so awesome to be born in the Thirties and be in your prime in the Fifties. Except for the whole being black thing, obviously!
It doesn't matter if it's soggy or it's sunny, there are so many lovely roads and awesome rugged countryside in Scotland - that's what makes it.
'Awwsome' was a different type of song for an artist like me, but it's still a true song. I was talking street stuff, but I was feeling awesome.
Everyone talks about Utah riding, slickrock and all that. I go through the mountain-bike magazines at the shop, and I think, 'That'd be awesome.'
Wish I could, through my own financial prestidigitation, transform a dollar bill into two, or two million. It is an awesome and mysterious skill.
The biggest difference in writing a sequel is that now there are expectations. But also - and this is the awesome part - now there are fans, too!
Just because I'm confident and will tell you that I'm awesome and that I'm great, I'm all of the sudden the bad guy? Why am I always the bad guy?
People always tell you, 'Be humble. Be humble.' When was the last time someone told you to be amazing? Be great! Be great! Be awesome! Be awesome!
Working on 'Good Luck Charlie' has been an awesome experience, and it's so crazy to build a fan base and have all those people tune into the show.
I actually was there down in Florida when Prince did 'Purple Rain' in the rain. He was out there with the guitar goin'. It was absolutely awesome.
My brothers were tremendous shack builders. My shacks were horrible. My brothers once built a two-story shack from the ground up that was awesome!
I've been a huge fan of Chris Martin forever; it'd be awesome to work with him. He's really kind, and he's been really encouraging when we've met.
I grew up in the industry, so this whole entertainment thing is my world. If I had to leave it, maybe I'd be a race-car driver. That'd be awesome.
Catwoman has an awesome, iconic personality. It's a blast to write her. You get her; she's an archetype. You can just kind of put on the cat-suit.