I want to beat DC. I want to avenge my loss.

Follow me if I advance, kill me if I retreat, avenge me if I die.

I have losses to Machida and Lovato, and I'm going to avenge them both.

My plans are to avenge my loss against Volkan Oezdemir and get the UFC title.

Of course, every time I get beat out there, I want to avenge those losses. I'm sure every fighter does.

When will our consciences grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery rather than avenge it?

I think Romeo and Juliet is uplifting. That's how much a son wishes to avenge his father. That is how much two young people can love each other.

America has the largest nuclear capability in the world. All this power neither prevented 9/11 nor helped to avenge it. How could it? Who would America have attacked?

We avenge intellect when we dupe a fool, and it is a victory not to be despised for a fool is covered with steel and it is often very hard to find his vulnerable part.

Bond is a classic archetype character, a character that's embedded in our heads forever, one of a lone warrior setting out to avenge a nation - and you find that character across cultures.

I would love to fight Ronda for the belt. I would love to avenge my loss and fight her again for what that means to me. I don't know what it means to her, but to me, that's what it would look like for me in perfect world.

Return to your friends and tell them that we came here with no peaceful intent, but ready for battle, and determined to avenge our own wrongs and set our country free. Let your masters come and attack us: we are ready to meet them beard to beard.

It was at Inver Slane, to the north of Leinster, the sons of Gaedhal of the Shining Armour, the Very Gentle, that were called afterwards the Sons of the Gael, made their first attempt to land in Ireland to avenge Ith, one of their race that had come there one time and had met with his death.

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