He sighed. It had come to this. He was a responsible authority, and people could use terms like "core values" at him with impunity.

Even when you err, it is a thousand times better to err out of conviction than to hide your true opinion to respect some authority.

Does it follow that I reject all authority? Perish the thought. In the matter of boots, I defer to the authority of the boot-maker.

Economic support from the rest of the Arab states to the fledgling Palestinian Authority in the West Bank is virtually non-existent.

I have always been grateful to Colonel Longley. He proved to me that when people in authority take a stand, good can come out of it.

Homo sapiens is the species that invents symbols in which to invest passion and authority, then forgets that symbols are inventions.

I don't mind it so much if I get type cast as an authority figure. I get to do comedy no matter what it is, so it doesn't bother me.

Leaders must display their humanness. Those under their authority must be empowered & have the courage to engage in honest dialogue.

The court's authority must be clear, and it must not blatantly intervene in the decisions of the legislative and executive branches.

I am a woman in the prime of my life, with certain powers and those powers severely limited by authorities whose faces I rarely see.

Universities are less constrained by authority and rigid doctrine in the United States than in most other societies, to my knowledge.

Arsene Wenger is a good coach. He has authority, and straight away, I can see he helps players with small things to make them better.

I can write with authority only about what I know well, which means that I end up using surface details of my own life in my fiction.

We took authority in the spirit world and refused to give Satan any room to operate. This is our responsibility as Christian parents.

God's voice had been reduced to paper, and even that paper had to be moderated and deciphered by the proper authorities and intellect.

I would have rebelled against parental authority, no matter what. When I was 15, I started painting my face and making my own clothes.

The movie business is very much like that: people in authority making purely emotional decisions instead of interesting rational ones.

I'm not really much of an actor, so when I started on 'The Daily Show', I was just trying to adopt the faux authority of a newsperson.

Since when have we Americans been expected to bow submissively to authority and speak with awe and reverence to those who represent us?

There are ways to speak that can transform things, which has less to do with authority but is more about resourcefulness and ingenuity.

Once you're in a network, you can do a whole bunch of things to that network. It's just that NSA doesn't have the authority to do that.

He who hears this name [God] from a Jew must inform the authorities, or else throw sow dung at him when he sees him and chase him away.

The Fed has neither the clear statutory authority nor the mandate to anticipate and deal with risks across our entire financial system.

One of the things that I want to make sure everybody understands is that when you delegate the authority, you have to set the standard.

When governments claim to derive their authority from any source other than the governed, it always leads to the destruction of liberty.

We believe that the people are the source of all governmental power; that the authority of the people is to be extended, not restricted.

But constant experience shows us that every man invested with power is apt to abuse it, and to carry his authority as far as it will go.

If I believe authority is raised by God - I understand I don't understand all things. And what those purposes are. He's a sovereign God.

Anyone who takes it upon himself, on his private authority, to break a bad law, thereby authorizes everyone else to break the good ones.

Social media has exacerbated a trend whereby people speak with complete authority on every subject, regardless of how informed they are.

But constant experience shows us that every man invested with power is apt to abuse it, and to carry his authority as far as it will go.

Top-down authority structures turn employees into bootlickers, breed pointless struggles for political advantage, and discourage dissent.

Insurgent, he says. Noun. A person who acts in opposition to the established authority, who is not necessarily regarded as a belligerent.

For the educated, the authority of science rested on the strictness of its methods; for the mass, it rested on the powers of explanation.

Unless Hamas recognizes Israel's right to exist and renounces terror, the Palestinian Authority should receive no direct U.S. assistance.

As a lawyer and a former prosecutor, I know the limits of the power and authority of the president. I know what is legal and what is not.

Even if you don't have the authorities - and frankly I didn't have the authorities for anything - if you take charge, people will follow.

The American press has the blues. Too many authorities have assured it that its days are numbered, too many good newspapers are in ruins.

The Senate cannot confirm an individual... who would support a scheme that violates our Constitution, eviscerates congressional authority.

However much we might sympathize or agree with EPA's policy objectives, EPA may act only within the boundaries of its statutory authority.

I have always questioned everything: education, the obligation to memorize, authority. Perhaps that is why I have photographed everything.

But there is a higher law than the Constitution, which regulates our authority over the domain, and devotes it to the same noble purposes.

What evidence do we have that states are incapable of further exercising an authority they have exercised successfully for over 200 years?

Lolitas do not recognize any authority. They follow only the values they have chosen for themselves, regardless of what anybody might say.

Every actor strives to be in the moment, and when you're on a horse, you constantly have to communicate with it and assert your authority.

The problems of rebellious youth can be traced to homes where the mother disobeyed the father or showed lack of respect for his authority.

While we must condemn any misuse of their authority, let's not forget that, by far, police are fulfilling their duty to protect and serve.

Our number one and top priority is to protect and defend our community. It is not to assimilate and please any other people and authority.

We do not just blindly concede control to authorities; instead we follow the cues provided by our moral communities on how best to behave.

Be the authority on your product/company. You should know more about your product than anyone else alive if you're writing a blog about it.

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