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Authenticity is about being true to who you are, even when everyone around you wants you to be someone else
Authenticity means that you must do what you do the way you do it and allow everyone else the same courtesy.
If someone wants to be very tight about authenticity or ownership, it just sounds kind of competitive to me.
That's what rock music is, I think - constantly searching for authenticity, and being as honest as possible.
When you're really famous, there's very little authenticity in people, so you prefer the company of children.
Rag & bone images always reflect the authenticity of the brand. Their images have character and tell a story.
You kill the emotion by standardising the behaviours on court. I want authenticity. I want people to be free.
The authentic is almost never found by being pursued; but there is no missing it when you are in its presence.
My fear now is of cliche, of complacency, of not being able to feel authenticity in myself and those around me.
If my characters travel somewhere, I generally write about a place I know to give the scenes more authenticity.
The jargon of authenticity ... is a trademark of societalized chosenness, ... sub-language as superior language.
The hallmarks of the 'Brothers in Arms' series are about authenticity, squad combat, brotherhood between soldiers.
I respond to authenticity and originality, and I've been a fan of Don Winslow's ever since 'The Power Of The Dog.'
The court's reputation is affected by what people say only if it seems to have a ring of fairness and authenticity.
Enlightenment is the key to everything, and it is the key to intimacy, because it is the goal of true authenticity.
Authenticity means erasing the gap between what you firmly believe inside and what you reveal to the outside world.
Movie stars today are as greedy for additional kids as bankers are for bonuses. It's the new badge of authenticity.
I think if you put 100% into anything and you do it with authenticity and enthusiasm, then it really shines through.
It's hard to practice compassion when we're struggling with our authenticity or when our own worthiness is off-balance.
When I came into the industry, and as I continue to be in it, part of my authenticity is the fact that I speak my mind.
I think the key for any kind of artist - and this transcends music - is a certain degree of authenticity and sincerity.
You have to be savvy and sharp and also straightforward with your customer. I think that authenticity is really important.
I know of nothing more valuable, when it comes to the all-important virtue of authenticity, than simply being who you are.
It is not possible to be honest in the here and now when you continue to discount and minimize your childhood experiences.
Why do millennials like Bernie Sanders so much? I love that this is a mystery to Washington. It's the authenticity, stupid.
Some writers confuse authenticity, which they ought always to aim at, with originality, which they should never bother about.
What I like in comedies are really two things: stories that are character-driven and stories that are rooted in authenticity.
To be able to research directly from firefighters makes all the difference in the world in the authenticity of a performance.
Yes, in all my research, the greatest leaders looked inward and were able to tell a good story with authenticity and passion.
It's not about just diversity; it's about authenticity. Audiences are really excited to see more of themselves on the screen.
Anyone who really loves you wants you to be authentic. And anyone who doesn't want you to be authentic doesn't really love you.
What made 'Dark Side Of The Moon' so great is some of the mystique and where it was coming from and just the authenticity of it.
And if the New Testament were a collection of secular writings, their authenticity would generally be regarded as beyond all doubt
Seriousness is no more a guarantee of truth, insight, authenticity or probity, than humour is a guarantee of superficiality and stupidity.
What people look for in their leaders is authenticity. You say, 'I'm not going to ask you to do anything that I'm not going to do myself.'
As an actor, you try to bring as much of yourself to a part to try and create a feeling of authenticity and emotional truth and resonance.
Whatever your style or subject matter, in the end, film-making is about searching for authenticity - that is what the audience will divine.
American films are less American every day, because you have to please a world audience. There's less authenticity, so it's more accessible.
Bryan [Cranston] created something completely unique, that was earned by its authenticity. That's what gave us the license to push it a bit.
I often wrangle with myself as an actor, and wrestle with the process. In striving for authenticity I often have the feeling I am falling short.
When we can build community based on truth and authenticity, rather than masks, false perfection, and being phoney, we heal, connect, and thrive.
I think teens trust each other's opinions about products because of the quality of authenticity that they think their friend's recommendation has.
My work is about the establishment of trust. For someone to share their authenticity with me is a soul-to-soul thing. It's not a lens-to-soul thing.
What if the question is not why I am so infrequently the person I really want to be, but why do I so infrequently want to be the person I really am?
I'm one of those people, when I see a film, I believe it to be true. You know, sort of the authenticity of the camera and seeing things on a screen.
With so much of music blurring the lines between ersatz and authenticity, at least the 'Rock Band' game is a tribute to rock rather than an affront.
If the Reddit community cannot learn to balance authenticity and compassion, it may be a great website, but it will never be a truly great community.
It was an absolute pleasure working with Stephen Graham. I've admired his work for many years, and what he brings is that real sense of authenticity.
Just because something's kinda indie and whatever and only a few people know it, it doesn't give it more authenticity over Rihanna's 'Work' work work.
When your show is set in the city, and the city is sort of a character on the show, it helps you as an actor to absorb. It gives it more authenticity.