My mother is Lithuanian Australian, and my father was born in Singapore, but he is Pakistani / Saudi Arabian.

I'm in love with the city. You can impress an Australian with a city, but you can't impress them with a beach.

I'm an Australian - I grew up in Melbourne and Sydney - but as a kid you don't learn much about the Kimberley.

It's an Australian thing to be dismissive. We find that endearing. Americans don't. They believe what you say.

I had a vocal coach. It's a sad thing, but I had to hire someone so that I could get my Australian accent back.

The Australian fans are really friendly and personable; the sense of humour is a lot less dry than the English.

I am very good with dialects, but the two that I can't do for some reason are the South African and Australian.

It's really actually been pretty shoddy and appalling, the amount of local content, Australian drama, on ABC TV.

'Mullygrubber' is an Australian term which means something that creeps along the ground; it's like a little grub.

Public service and respect for ideas is a recurrent theme in both the American and Australian sides of my family.

In some ways, Australian fans are more dedicated and more enthusiastic than some of our most loyal fans in the U.S.

I grew up listening to Nirvana and then went through some bad '90s pop stuff - a lot of Australian one-hit wonders.

Anybody who achieves what Malcolm Fraser achieved in his life deserves respect as a quite extraordinary Australian.

I really miss Australia. I miss eating fish n' chips, oh my God, and Australian pies and the wonderful corner shops.

My mother's Maori, and my father's Australian. I take my strength from both my ancestors, and I'm really privileged.

There are certain situations, when you're in America, when people understand you better without an Australian accent.

I wish that one of my children will be like the Australian guy from the Discovery Channel show. The crocodile hunter.

I do notice that when I come in to meet casting people, they love that I'm Australian. Maybe it's our good work ethic.

Australian people are dope. They're so fun. They want to just have a good time, and they have a great sense of humour.

I'm not too fond of the typical Australian activities or culture. I'm not into surfing - that's what I'm trying to say.

Being an Australian that's been No. 1 in the world back home playing in Australia, that's a pretty cool moment to have.

The Australian cast of mind is not something I would want to be without - and I couldn't be without. It's not a choice.

That's the ultimate goal - to try to go deep into the Australian Open and deep into the other slams throughout the year.

The Australian public are very fair and they are always prepared to give the leader of a major political party a fair go.

It's hard to describe the work of the British-born Australian writer Elizabeth Jolley without somewhat misrepresenting it.

I don't know, maybe Australian humour isn't supposed to be funny. It's as dry as the Sahara, and I think people miss that.

I have a TV Soap Boomerang award, and I always start my year with the Australian Open tennis! Tennis, soccer, you name it.

I'd always felt the Australian cricketers' behaviour had been appalling. Tampering the ball too constitutes poor behaviour.

I've always wanted to make Australian art interesting. To get a different audience watching art documentaries would be great.

I was elected by the Australian people to bring back a fair go for all Australians. I have given my absolute best to do that.

Country of Origin labelling is something that consumers really want, and I think it's critical to support Australian farmers.

What's the point of being an Australian guy traveling through India if you are going to go to India to meet other Australians?

After getting dropped from the Australian team, for me it was always just about being the team, it doesn't matter where I bat.

I'm an Australian, and when I grew up much of my influences were American - blues music and country music, all that sort of thing.

I can always spot an Australian queen by her high, high end wig. Australian drag queens have the best hair in the world - the best.

An Ashes series is huge for Australian cricketers - and English cricketers for that matter - and there's always that added pressure.

It's an absolute honour and privilege to get out there and be an Australian headlining an Australian card. That's unreal; it really is.

We cheer everyone who goes off to Hollywood and tells American stories but telling Australian stories is the greatest thing you can do.

I've turned from an ordinary Australian housewife into a gigastar, icon, talk-show host, swami, spin doctor... and now I'm a style guru!

I'm definitely attracted to other Australians; I have a laid-back attitude to life that I feel is very Australian; I love a good barbie.

I remember when I first came to America, nobody had a clue what a black Englishman was. I was either South African or Australian to them.

It's the best feeling ever: the adrenalin, the extra boost, the support you get from the very passionate Australian Open crowd is amazing.

For me, being Australian is having the opportunity to be your best. This country, this state, gives us every opportunity we could hope for.

Countries get one chance in history of putting into place a savings retirement scheme on the scale of the Australian superannuation system.

I see it as my duty in some way is to be out in the world as an Australian putting forward what I consider to be authentic Australian music.

Australian seafarers make an important contribution to national security in a country with thousands of kilometres of uninhabited coastline.

'Shantaram' is fantastic. An Australian prisoner escapes & joins the mafia in India? Sign me up. I love stuff that is based on true stories.

We were just four unknown, aspiring Australian musicians singing happy, uplifting, melodic and inspiring songs, and being true to ourselves.

I remember that feeling when I was a young reader: finding books that were set in Sydney with Australian characters was incredibly exciting.

No one cares about the Davis Cup. How many people know I won five Davis Cups and seven majors, but that I rarely played the Australian Open?

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