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To not care about how you look will make you look even more attractive.
I study hard at Russian, which is a tough but most attractive language.
I have a history with charismatic, attractive men who just wear me out.
France is a very attractive place: the health care system, for example.
There are women who find nice people attractive... I've never met them.
As young, hot actors living in Hollywood, you get even more attractive.
When I'm not supposed to do something, it becomes more attractive to me.
In contrast, the control you have in a theatre is very attractive to me.
I find Katrina Kaif attractive and would like to work with her some day.
When democracies don't deliver growth, alternatives seem more attractive.
If you don't find yourself attractive, how do you expect your partner to?
I want to make Seoul more attractive. I want to make it a good investment.
In case you didn't notice me, I'm the less attractive friend to the right.
Fatherhood makes you cute. Women find bumbling fathers cute and attractive.
When an attractive woman shows any interest in me, I'm immediately alerted.
I realized I was an attractive older woman who never wanted to settle down.
For me, the most attractive thing in a man is the ability to make me laugh.
I think football must be attractive for fans, and that means scoring goals.
There is nothing better than an attractive woman who doesn't act attractive.
If she is attractive, I can't perform with her; if she is not, then I won't.
I play so many weirdos in movies that it's nice to play an attractive woman.
I don't think men dress to look attractive; I think they dress to look cool.
Getting a reward for reaching certain sales targets is certainly attractive.
I think that sexuality is only attractive when it's natural and spontaneous.
Drake, the way he uses that Auto-Tune has always been attractive, hasn't it?
Of course, the whole mythology of the world of 'It' is very attractive to me.
There are many who find a good alibi far more attractive than an achievement.
I think capitalism will survive, because no attractive alternatives exist now
I don't care what you say about me if I don't find you physically attractive.
Nothing is cooler and more attractive than a big comeback, and that'll be me.
Stop being so..." "Charming?Attractive?Irresistible? "I'm going with arrogant.
[ Rajiv Gandhi] was such an infinitely more attractive leader than his mother.
Just be confident. I think confidence is the most attractive part of a person.
Obamacare was very attractive, particularly to those without health insurance.
What can I say? I feel good when I'm wearing heels. I feel sexier, attractive.
I don't have a ton of talents. I'm not this conventionally attractive TV dude.
I've realized skinny isn't necessarily attractive. Guys like girls with curves.
The Triple Crown is an attractive target because it is so difficult to achieve.
No person with a grievance can be also a person with an attractive personality!
All I wanted, to be petite and attractive. I was afraid I'd never stop growing.
Braininess is not attractive unless combined with some signs of elegance; class.
It comes down to personal style, and that's what's sexy and attractive in a man.
Percival was mouse-coloured and had not been very attractive even to his mother.
Okay. So, apparently I find burly Indian men attractive. What's wrong with that?
Only your mother could find you attractive, and only your mother could love you.
Mars is far more attractive as an outpost colony for earthlings than the moon is.
Passion, I've found, is not so attractive to the observer as to the participants.
Is there anything more attractive than a woman in high heels and low self esteem?
I hate playing pretty or sane people. Most people are not attractive or all there.
What a women reads makes her more attractive and more elegant than what she wears.