A Puritan is someone who is desperately afraid that, somewhere, someone might be having a good time.
It is as clear as the sun and as evident as the day that there is no God and that there can be none.
Absolute atheism starts in an act of faith in reverse gear and is a full-blown religious commitment.
That which shows God in me, fortifies me. That which shows God out of me, makes me a wart and a wen.
Religious belief is without reason and without dignity, and its record is near-universally dreadful.
Idle and meaningless ... a form less solemn to me than the affirmation I would have reverently made.
If oxen and horses and lions could draw and paint, they would delineate the gods in their own image.
The orthodox faith painted God as a revengeful being, and yet people talk about loving such a being.
Atheism is not the denial of the existence of God, but having doubts as to whether God is conscious.
The more thoroughly I conduct scientific research, the more I believe that science excludes atheism.
If by some bizarre chance there turns out to be a god [...], I'm willing to bet he's an atheist too.