Most kids probably dream of becoming an astronaut. I was just the one that never grew out of it.

Being a leading man... that's like saying, 'I want to be astronaut.' That's not going to happen.

It takes an astronaut so long to get to space - that's how long it takes to catch up on my music.

I am the astronaut of boxing. Joe Louis and Dempsey were just jet pilots. I'm in a world of my own.

I was a naval officer and aviator. I tested airplanes and got selected to be an astronaut later on.

Every single astronaut who has come back from space comes back determined to do more to protect it.

If I couldn't be an actor, I would only consider being an astronaut, a sea otter, or a gynecologist.

I wanted to become president, and I wanted to become an astronaut. Because I was really good at math.

I've been approached to do some things with astronauts and the preparation that astronauts go through.

It doesn't matter if you want to be a teacher, an astronaut, or a reggaeton singer, you need to study.

From as young as I can remember, I wanted to be - in order - an astronaut, a geologist, and a biologist.

Now, as an astronaut, I have to bring a Sharpie with me everywhere - so I have a pen to sign autographs.

I joined the Army out of a deep sense of duty, but wanting to be an astronaut feels more like my destiny.

At no time, when the astronauts were in space were they alone, there was a constant surveillance by UFOs.

I started out as a farm girl in Iowa, and I dreamed of being an astronaut and an explorer. And I made it.

It is an incredible treat and certainly one of the highlights of any astronaut's career to do a spacewalk.

I'd love to be an astronaut. I bet you get a better understanding of our planet seeing it from a distance.

Of course, as a kid, I had no idea what was practical: I wanted to be a paleontologist, then an astronaut.

I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a kid. I grew up in Houston. Gordo Cooper was my favorite astronaut.

Then, much later, my next dream was to become an astronaut, and I was fortunate to realize that dream, also.

If I have a daughter and she grows up to be an astronaut, she's gonna end up on a Black History Month stamp.

Before I settled on music, I wanted to be an archaeologist, an astronaut, all sorts of really diverse things.

I've been asked about UFOs and I've said publicly I thought they were somebody else, some other civilization.

Is there any other job that beats being an astronaut? Who didn't want to be an astronaut? That is my question.

There weren't any astronauts until I was about 10. Yuri Gagarin went into space right around my 10th birthday.

And now for Return to Flight, I'm chief of robotics working in the astronaut office in Houston, as a Canadian.

It took me a long time to get selected as an astronaut. In fact, I applied for 20 years before I was selected.

As an astronaut, especially during launch, half of the risk of a six-month flight is in the first nine minutes.

Somehow, I knew you had to have perfect eyesight to be a test pilot, and so that was it for my astronaut career.

I think most astronauts are not risk takers. We take calculated risks for something that we think is worthwhile.

I fully expected that, by the end of the century, we would have achieved substantially more than we actually did.

By my mid-30s, I just thought, 'This is not going to happen. I am never going to become an astronaut in the U.K.'

I have gone through so many examinations of what a hero is, between the World War II stuff and the astronaut stuff.

Historically, a successful life in comedy is a dream that's as equally pondered and unpursued as being an astronaut.

Being a rock & roll star has become as legitimate a career option as being an astronaut or a policeman or a fireman.

I don't think you ever really decide that you want to be an astronaut. I put in an application and hoped for the best.

I remember reading about Mae Jemison, that astronaut. That was immensely fantastic to me. This woman went to the moon!

There's a lot of things I nerd out over. Quantum Mechanics. I also love Dungeons and Dragons. I want to be an astronaut.

As an astronaut, you have a very defined set of tasks to do. Those tasks may require you to work 60, 70 or 80 hours a week.

I thought the attractions of being an astronaut were actually, not so much the Moon, but flying in a completely new medium.

The whole Hubble program has just been a fabulous testament to the NASA science community and the NASA astronaut community.

I seriously feel like Bowie was an astronaut who went into space and experienced things and brought back these... treasures.

There was a small window when I wanted to be an astronaut. It may have coincided with not getting cast in a high school play.

I am surprised nothing has been made of the fact that astronaut Neil Armstrong carried no sidearms when he landed on the moon.

The food isn't too bad. It's very different from the food that the astronauts ate in the very early days of the space program.

Most of us at least briefly considered answering, 'An astronaut,' when asked as children what we wanted to be when we grew up.

To be one of the world's top space robotic arm operators is a necessary skill for an astronaut, but it doesn't have much carry-over.

And, so I set my goals on astronaut because, as a military aviator, it was, I considered that to be about the peak of a flying career.

Ideas for stories come to me based on my life, so who knows? If somebody sends me to become an astronaut, that's what I'll end up writing.

The biggest honor is to be an astronaut. It's such a tremendous privilege to be able to represent humankind in our quest to explore space.

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