It's really a sad story, and I liked that. The songs on this album talk about relationships in every aspect.

The key aspect of an index fund is that many of them, not all of them, but many of them are extremely cheap.

We accept there's an emotional aspect to life. But we're not very developed in our ways of understanding it.

In fact, the class divide in the black community is now seen by some as a permanent aspect of our existence.

Money is the most corrosive aspect of life today because it means that all attention to detail is forgotten.

I love every aspect of show business and that includes both the show part of it and the business part of it.

Romania doesn't have a big tradition of gymnastics as a fun activity. We were a little behind in this aspect.

For me, 'Room' is an opportunity to relive an aspect of my childhood that I hadn't put a ton of thought into.

I literally felt like a freak, which is another aspect of the role of Sally that I relate to: total outsider.

Religion is rather the attempt to express the complete reality of goodness through every aspect of our being.

There will always been the prurient rubbernecking aspect to disasters: people who just can't get enough gore.

Mental health affects every aspect of your life. It's not just this neat little issue you can put into a box.

I usually don't like to talk about money, but I talk about the movie, and the other aspects of directing, etc.

Even if we do not always agree on every aspect, nobody should take this as an excuse to declare us as enemies.

Every aspect of Western culture needs a new code of ethics - a rational ethics - as a precondition of rebirth.

There's definitely a visual aspect and an emotional aspect to a song. And that harks back, for me, to theater.

There's a fierce practicality and empiricism which the whole imaginative, lyrical aspect of poetry comes from.

Analog, electronic, whatever it happens to be, I simply love and adore literally every aspect of making music.

I think it is important that we rebuild an atmosphere of forgiveness and civility in every aspect of our lives.

Latinos been a part of hip-hop culture and every other culture; we've been influential in every aspect of life.

I think the darker aspect of my fiction-or anybody's fiction-is by its very nature somehow easier to talk about.

I have lived the American dream in every aspect, and now I hope to make a very big impact in helping the planet.

As a technologist, I see how AI and the fourth industrial revolution will impact every aspect of people's lives.

Just because something bears the aspect of the inevitable one should not, therefore, go along willingly with it.

For me, 'Sam & Cat' is cool because it's got this buddy-comedy aspect that 'iCarly' or 'Victorious' didn't have.

We have to find a way to make the aspects of capitalism that serve wealthier people serve poorer people as well.

True meaning in life comes through understanding your own nature and learning to accept all aspects of yourself.

Where a city is only focused on one aspect, it becomes a city without a soul, not a city people want to live in.

The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.

People spend money on sports, and I just don't do golf, I hate it. But I love sailing and the technology aspect.

The ability of Americans to toss off oppressive characters is the most rewarding aspect, to me, of U.S. history.

The literary aspect of the film business excites me, but show business in general doesn't take any mental giant.

The question is not whether but how do the actions of a given gene influence some interesting aspect of behavior.

Truthfully, the hardest part about fashion is not the vision or one great idea, but the execution of each aspect.

In high school, I was not as much of a grade-follower. I kind of enjoyed more of the social aspect of high school.

Actors usually respond to minor aspects of their own character or things that even feel disparate from themselves.

I didn't go to a conservatoire, and I have certain low opinions of certain aspects of the conservatory experience.

The fame aspect of winning the Masters... besides being married and becoming a father, that's a strong third there.

I tried being a stay-at-home mom for eight weeks. I like the stay-at-home part. Not too crazy about the mom aspect.

War is a fundamental aspect of human existence. It's good to know what war entails and what the human sacrifice is.

It sounds a bit cheesy saying 'Coronation Street' is like one big happy family, but there is a real aspect of that.

Some things feel really good to sing: there's a physical aspect, but there's more to it - a deeper place you go to.

The live performance aspect of shooting a multicamera sitcom is wonderful. You have that instant audience reaction.

Commerce seems to be covering every aspect of our lives now. Which me, because I'm a romantic, is sad for me to say.

The one cheering aspect of 'Daughters of Britannia' is the extraordinary tenacity and resilience of Hickman's women.

Our Lord insists on the social aspect of our lives: He shows very distinctly that we cannot further ourselves alone.

Victory is the most important aspect in Iraq, because victory in Iraq will help us have victory in the War on Terror.

To him who looks upon the world rationally, the world in its turn presents a rational aspect. The relation is mutual.

Having spent a lot of time on sets, I was really interested in the overall storytelling aspect of shows and projects.

I think it's important to add a personal aspect to your music - that's what makes it authentic at the end of the day.

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