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The most important aspect of any story, to me, is character.
There's kind of a summer camp aspect of filming on location.
Gardening?is one of the most underrated aspects of diplomacy.
No aspect of my brief and mild fame actually made me happier.
The winter will be long and bleak. Nature has a dismal aspect.
An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail.
There's a nostalgic aspect to the 'Iron Man' franchise for me.
I really enjoy the social aspects of music as much as anything.
Intellectual property is a key aspect for economic development.
In every aspect of my life, I tend to look for the deeper side.
It is an aspect of all happiness to suppose that we deserve it.
The mental aspect of golf is what makes golf such a great sport.
In every aspect of life, I consider myself incredibly fortunate.
I am a total loser, in every aspect of my life. I rarely go out.
To many men, moderate success is only another aspect of failure.
When designing a kitchen, always keep in mind the social aspect.
Patrick Ewing used to be much better in every aspect of the game.
I do love the music aspect of the Internet. The Internet made me.
I'm interested in film - any aspect - acting, directing, writing.
I like every aspect of defense; I enjoy shutting down the offense.
I feel like casting is the most important aspect of making movies.
Each character is an allegory for every aspect of human existence.
That aspects are within us; and who seems Most kingly is the King.
I've always been very interested in the visual aspect of what I do.
I get deep into the creative aspect, and Nick is the people person.
Time is not an absolute reality but an aspect of our consciousness.
I've sacrificed lots of aspects of my personal life to do what I do.
Every country has an aspect to it that rubs up people the wrong way.
Wealth is measured by the level of experience in all aspects of life
The key to longevity is to learn every aspect of music that you can.
Whatever aspect of life you apply it to, making change takes courage.
The ancillary aspect of every British city now is the council estate.
You want to have stability in the commercial aspect of your operation.
One of the great aspects about [Barack Obama] is who he is as a human.
The social aspect of being an artist has always made me uncomfortable.
This circus games aspect has existed since the beginning of my career.
The central aspect of worship is the feeling of being at one with God.
No aspect of our contemporary lives has been untouched by women's work.
In so many of my songs, I'm trying to touch on various aspects of love.
The most damaging aspect of contemporary living is short-term thinking.
I like to explore a lot of textural, arrangement aspects in the studio.
Dating is probably the most important aspect of a single person's life.
I like to act. Every other aspect of show business I find uninteresting.
Openness about death has led to greater care about all aspects of dying.
I played characters with villainous aspect. But out-and-out villain? No.
Freedom from clinging allows us bring love into all aspects of our life.
I swear I'm not bossy in any other aspect of my life - it's just on set.
Preparing mentally takes more out of you than the physical aspect of it.