I'm an Asian with a Southern accent. To a lot of people, that right there is funny.

I was always the freaky Asian girl who drew these weird-looking Barbie dolls in class.

Teachers still command great respect in the families and societies of many Asian cultures.

Asian American men, Asian men have been basically eunuchs in American cinema and television.

My theory is because I'm Asian and white I sort of look like the future. I'm the melting pot.

I will never forget my ASIAN fans, because they're so welcome with me, its my best moment ever

Hollywood likes to put actors in boxes, and it likes to put Asian actors in really small boxes.

There aren't many Asian players in Europe or the Premier League, so that's more attention for me.

I don't think people should be afraid of portraying people with accents, especially Asian accents.

That Asian guy is really good at kicking. Shocking. Someone is pressing 'A' really fast somewhere.

There's no Asian [vocalist] that's huge out there. So I want to do that. I want to break that mold.

Asian culture has a profoundly different relationship to work. It rewards people who are persistent.

I cook everything. I love Mediterranean cooking, I love Asian cooking. I do lots of Japanese noodles.

There are no Asian leading men in Hollywood. There's not an Asian Ryan Gosling or an Asian Brad Pitt.

For years, I looked to Bruce Lee as a mentor as being a Chinese and Asian man living in this country.

I'm very humbled and honored. I'm very thankful to the Asian-American Community for all their support!

There is certainly an underrepresentation of Asian Pacific Islanders in professional sports/athletics.

I've always been fascinated by Asian culture, and I love that women can play the lead in a horror film.

I used to date Olivia Munn... But when she was 'Lisa,' that was the problem. She wasn't Asian back then.

I feel like, of course, Houston has Asian fans and Japanese fans, and Asian fans live all over the place.

It's always going to be difficult for Asian countries to create big leagues because Europe is so settled.

I hope you didn't bring the Asian kid along thinking he's a computer genius. Because I'm not," Takumi said.

There's one stereotype in the industry that Asian people aren't funny, I've heard that over and over again.

The story of the British empire helps to explain the roots of most British people: white, black, and Asian.

I got back from Toronto, where they had a severe outbreak of SARS - you know, Severe Asian Racism Syndrome.

When a dish works, it works for everyone, whether you're Asian, European, African, American or anybody else.

Asian Americans are the same as African American, Hispanic Americans, anyone: we deserve to be respected, too.

Coming from an Asian culture, I was always taught to respect my elders, to be a better listener than a talker.

My music is always called "cerebral." It is a way of saying I'm Asian, and therefore everything I do is brainy.

Do not tell me what I can and cannot do. I'll be as asian as I want to (Stretches his eyes in a racist manner).

Australia has a thing where apparently it's fine for me to dress up as an Asian woman. No one has questioned that.

For me, the Asian financial crisis of 1998 and the war in Kosovo in 1999 are the prelude to the integral accident.

I've just seen it all - I've seen the bird flu, I've seen the Asian economic meltdown, SARS, 9/11, economic cycles.

Asian literature is evolving with the people. It's always a reflection on what's happening to the culture at large.

One of the things I like about comedy in general is that it affords Asian Americans the opportunity to not be noble.

I think a major cause of present Asian economic difficulties that mainly come from, you know, lack of market economy.

Yes, we become stronger when black and whites, Latino, Asian American, Native American, when all of us stand together.

I don't want to be the Asian filmmaker; I just want to be a filmmaker. I want to be Spielberg. I want to be Tim Burton.

Obviously the Asian American community wants you to do well. They are cheering you on no matter what the circumstances.

Politics abhors a vacuum, and Asian countries will gravitate towards China if U.S. influence is perceived as declining.

Every single Asian dude who went to high school or junior high during the era of John Hughes movies was called 'Donger,'

Maybe all teenagers feel like they don't fit in. I never felt like a cool kid. I remember being bullied for being Asian.

Black lives matter. White lives matter. Asian lives matter. Hispanic lives matter. That's anti-American and it's racist.

To be honest, I know that a lot of Asian parents are secretly shocked and horrified by many aspects of Western parenting.

Most people in Iceland are blonde and blue-eyed. I was nicknamed 'China girl' in school 'cos they thought I looked Asian.

Against Japan and any Asian teams, we've had good results, so I would say that history proves we are the best Asian team.

I want to break that typical Asian female stereotype. There's this standard where they're all calm. I want to break that.

Parts for Asians are hard enough to get, and if Tee, which sounds kind of generically Asian, helps me get roles, so be it.

The only thing I know about being Asian is that my hair is black and my eyelashes are straight and I have strange eyebrows.

When I say that asian women are beautiful it's not a sexual thing. I'm not being degrading, I find them sexually repulsive.

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