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[Donald Trump] even said, well, you know, if there were nuclear war in East Asia, well, you know, that's fine have a good time, folks.
I try to come to Asia twice a year. I also go to Europe - to London as well as to France to see my family - four or five times a year.
I took a risk and invested in SM Mall of Asia because I wanted to create something that could contribute to Philippine tourism growth.
East Asia confirms the superior capacity of industrial capitalism in raising the material standard of living of large masses of people.
To us in Asia, rice is such a staple, we take it for granted. I didn't even think about how I made it until I came to the Western world.
I thought it was cool how [ Riccardo Tisci] wanted to blend Africa and Asia because they relate to each other in so many different ways.
The Asia and the Pacific region is facing an epidemic of road death and injury, but we also have innovative Asian road safety solutions.
I may not have trekked through the galaxies in reality. But I have trekked all over this planet: Australia, Asia, Latin America, Europe.
I come from a fragmented society. A country proud to serve as a bridge between Europe and Asia yet unable to bridge its own differences.
In Asia, we live within our means. So when we are poor, we live as poor people. I think that is a lesson that Europe can learn from Asia.
There are children who are working in textile businesses in Asia who would be prostitutes on the streets if they did not have those jobs.
The development of gaming in Asia usually serves as the marker for how their company predicts the development of gaming will go globally.
Maybe it is the last chance for Europe to influence standards for world trade. Next it will be between the US and the Asia-Pacific region.
I like 'I Can't Stand the Rain.' I like it because it has a really oriental feeling to it, an 'oriental taste,' it has an essence of Asia.
The key thing in Northeast Asia is North Korea. They are unpredictable; they are developing their nuclear capabilities and their missiles.
FUBU is pretty well licensed out in China and Asia. In America it's a little more of a challenge, obviously, because it's a branded sport.
Hillary Clinton's ready to pivot to Asia and provoke China. So are the Republicans. It's on domestic issues that there will be a gridlock.
The European Tour plays all over the world: from the U.K. to China, from Korea to South Africa, and from the Middle East to southeast Asia.
There is still a big gap between South America and Europe and Asia, and if we had more players playing in Europe, the gap would be smaller.
In Asia, red is the colour of joy; red is the colour of festivities and of celebration. In Chinese culture, blue is the colour of mourning.
In America, I'm a foreigner because of my Korean heritage. In Asia, because I was born in America, I'm a foreigner. I'm always a foreigner.
The challenge to America is to extend to Asia the defensive shield of American power in forms consonant with Asian freedom and self-respect.
Men can't do much to change; we have to wear suits, although I never wear a tie, apart from in Asia sometimes. So I decided to grow my hair.
The first country to adopt happiness as an official goal of public policy is the tiny little country of Bhutan in Asia near China and India.
If you increase living standards, you make labor more productive. This is why Asia today is becoming more productive than the United States.
If I were to generalize a bit, I would say that the ultra rich in Asia live on a scale that far surpasses the wealthy in the U.S. or Europe.
Asia is still dominated by skyscrapers. I hope that, in European cities, it will become a declining trend. They were almost never necessary.
In Asia, it is very hectic - there is no overtime, no holidays, no weekends. It's pretty rushed because they are trying to cut the deadline.
The Middle East and South Asia have a lot less in common with America than 18-year-old kids in Boston have with 18-year-old kids in Arkansas.
Especially in the West, people want to understand Asia on a deeper level because it's become the engine of the world economy, like it or not.
Louisiana was as close to South Asia as the United States could get: it had spicy food, humidity, giant cockroaches, and a corrupt government.
One made the observation of the people of Asia that they were all slaves to one man, merely because they could not pronounce that syllable No.
I met the Queen, the Pope, and we went all over Europe and Asia. I just wish I was older when I did all this. Then I could appreciate it more.
I grew up in Asia, and I remember as a little kid being in Taiwan watching films there and being so awed by these new worlds of entertainment.
Military hardliners called me a 'security threat' for promoting peace in South Asia and for supporting a broad-based government in Afghanistan.
I've traveled to Brazil, Europe, Asia - all in preparation to defeat Demetrious Johnson, to defeat the pound-for-pound best fighter in history.
One-way monologues through the Voice of America and Radio Free Asia don't have much street cred with China's Internet generation, to be honest.
President Obama has been clear about the future that the United States seeks... when it comes to the Asia-Pacific, the United States is all in.
The United States is the most powerful nation on Earth and it just can't walk away from the Middle East and central Asia and the Horn of Africa.
I am 30 years old and you don't get to play football forever. I feel lucky to be given this opportunity by Shanghai as it is a big club in Asia.
The boys know they're from Southeast Asia, and they have their food and their music and their friends, and they have a pride particular to them.
I wear two hats at the 'Wall Street Journal': one as a columnist, the other as the editor responsible for our editorial pages in Asia and Europe.
I moved from current affairs to daily news over the Asia crisis of 1998 - mainly because the news agenda demanded I become economically literate.
Perhaps the strongest signal of reengagement with Southeast Asia was the U.S.'s accession to the Southeast Asian Treaty of Amity and Cooperation.
Hong Kong represents the kind of Asia with which both West and East are comfortable... It offers, in that sense, a vision for the future of Asia.
It's always great to perform, make the podium, and yeah, gold, silver, and bronze, will also encourage other nations, Asia, America to do better.
As for the dream of a global Britain trading more energetically from Asia to Latin America, the E.U. has tied our hands, hobbling those ambitions.
I know and I am very proud that in my home country Japan and all over Asia millions of people are interested in BVB and follow us on a daily basis.
I see the Philippines one day as a developed country, one of the major economies of Asia - perhaps not in six years, but definitely in our lifetime.
If the United States and China can accommodate each other on a broad range of issues, the prospects for stability in Asia will be greatly increased.