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Nothing is ever too expensive if it furthers the repertoire and artistic standards of a dance company.
I hope to continue building my acting career and work more on projects that fulfill my artistic thirst.
The push and pull of representing your world responsibly and your artistic license is a tricky balance.
Anybody who goes searching can find enough artistic things I've done that nobody can ever say I sold out.
In general, the Arab world is an artistic hub that has such a variety, whether it be music, film, poetry.
Imaginative compassion for that which is other than myself is a constant artistic and ethical discipline.
Men in business are in as much danger from those at work under them as from those that work against them.
When a book, any sort of book, reaches a certain intensity of artistic performance it becomes literature.
Words have their own hierarchy, their own protocol, their own artistic titles, their own plebeian stigmas.
After I got back my career and my artistic freedom in 1982, my golden rule is the music must never suffer.
Netflix gives a lot of creative and artistic freedom to its actors and to its production team and whatnot.
The product of the scientific imagination is a new vision of relations - like that of artistic imagination.
My time at Berklee College of Music was probably my greatest period of artistic growth and internalisation.
Original thought, original artistic expression is by its very nature questioning, irreverent, iconoclastic.
I always have a guitar or ukulele in the trailer, and I write songs. That keeps me in an artistic mind-set.
When people see success, particularly investors, they are much more willing to invest in artistic projects.
We must have design in a picture even at the expense of truth. You are using nature for your artistic needs.
Knock on wood, my groupies tend to be very artistic, creative people - sometimes way more creative than I am.
I think that all human activity is stupid. Artistic activity is also stupid, but you can see it more clearly.
I believe people may have a predisposition for artistic creativity. It doesn't mean they're going to make it.
Creativity and artistic endeavors have a mission that goes far beyond just making music for the sake of music.
When business executives are making the artistic decisions and don't understand animation, things can go awry.
My family was artistic and encouraged me to express myself. I was a show-off, so they took me to ballet class.
The political is not compatible with the artistic, because the former, in order to prove, has to be one-sided.
I don't know what I would have been doing if I was not in YG, but I think I would be doing something artistic.
I'm not interested in creating a self-aggrandizing home base for myself, for my artistic foibles and interests.
All my artistic response comes from American things, and I guess I've always had a weakness for heroic imagery.
To me, very much of what is artistic is people's very creative and inventive ways out of impossible situations.
The measure of artistic merit is the length to which a writer is willing to go in following his own compulsions.
Nina Simone is a musical genius and a rich and precious treasure who paid a heavy price for her artistic freedom.
Martial arts is self-growth. It's artistic impression. It's self-defense... it doesn't have any place in politics.
When I started I didn't know anything about music. I came from an absolutely non-musical, non-artistic background.
Having more candidates come with a creative and artistic sensibility would actually bring more people out to vote.
In 'The Pianist,' Polanski transformed his ghastly knowledge of the camps into an act of artistic self-expression.
Some movies are what I would call murky. Just because it's murky doesn't make it artistic. It makes it hard to see.
The moment I accept that there's an artistic, redeeming quality in puns, I have a horrible feeling I'll get hooked.
I think we have the wrong notion of commercial and intellectual or artistic film. Because all films are commercial.
The state is not competent in artistic matters... When the state leaves us free, it will have carried out its duty.
First-person narrators is the way I know how to write a book with the greatest power and chance of artistic success.
Artistic anorexia & sexual avoidance have the same root fears – fear of intimacy, fear of exposure, fear of failure”.
I was used to having a job - ballet was my job, and I felt like I needed something artistic to focus on after I quit.
I was always artistic - right from childhood - but my love of painting came a bit later. It followed my love of music.
Some books seem to have been written, not to teach us anything, but to let us know that the author has known something.
In an artwork you're always looking for artistic decisions, so an ashtray is perfect. An ashtray has got life and death.
A good cook is not necessarily a good woman with an even temper. Some allowance should be made for artistic temperament.
I wanted to do my artistic work, and in Iran you have censorship. It was difficult for me to do the work I wanted to do.
I'd rather be creative and be artistic and be able to play intricate music that moves and really takes you on a journey.
Inspiration is an awakening, a quickening of all man's faculties, and it is manifested in all high artistic achievements.
The first time with artistic endeavors is, if it's working, it was your idea, and if it's not, it's somebody else's idea.
We can never see the world other than incompletely: deliberately to see it as incomplete is to create an artistic aspect.