Artists never seem to get bored with life.

Old clothes do not make a tortured artist.

An artist is like a pig snouting truffles.

You become an artist to upset your family.

The genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.

An artist's career always begins tomorrow.

I'm not trying to be the next Joan Rivers.

Great art can only be created out of love.

The scholar seeks truth, the artist finds.

To understand an artist is to be a genius.

Cease to be a drudge, seek to be an artist.

Every true artist is at war with the world.

The artist must know how far to go too far.

I just try to live my life and do my thing.

When an artist becomes complacent, he dies.

The role of the artist is to not look away.

because talent alone doesn't make an artist

Art is meant to disturb. Science reassures.

I like to think of myself as a true artist.

At least I had that, one guy understood me.

My first influences were superhero artists.

As an artist, you want to entertain people.

The work of the artist is to heal the soul.

Bad artists always admire each others work.

Men who not religious or artists are fools.

I am an artist, art has no color and no sex.

I don't know many artists who are not crazy.

Few artists can afford artistic temperament.

An artist wears his work in place of wounds.

There is no must in art because art is free.

You bring to a painting your own experience.

I am isolated as an artist, not as a person.

I always knew that I wanted to be an artist.

The job of the artist is to point at things.

Personality is everything in art and poetry.

The artist must be ecstatic about something.

Sorrowful and great is the artist's destiny.

Love is the greatest touch-up artist of all.

What you do, you don't think of as a product

An artist’s imagination is his greatest tool

You are a paintbrush in hands of the Artist.

The artist as an artist must be an anarchist

Hubris itself will not let you be an artist.

I always saw myself as a multi media artist.

I think every artist should go for a Grammy.

The soul of the artist cannot remain hidden.

Like most artists, I live out of a suitcase.

Where beauty ends is where the artist begins

When you go to war, both sides lose totally.

Some people would like me to be round again.

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