My thing is to get people out of the stigma of what a reggae artist should be like.

Creation is the artist's true function; where there is no creation there is no art.

I don't think there's any artist of any value who doesn't doubt what they're doing.

I think in times of crisis it's the artists' responsibility to dig a little deeper.

Scott Medlock is the 'Top Gun' of sports artists. He truly is the best of the best.

An artist's working life is marked by intensive application and intense discipline.

Being an artist is nothing, or at least, not enough; what you want is to be a poet.

Being an artist means seeing things and never having the ability to shut your eyes.

Architecture doesn't come from theory. You don't think your way through a building.

The painter's obsession with his subject is all that he needs to drive him to work.

One could say that artists are people who think naturally in highly patterned ways.

Every man, and for stronger reasons, every artist, wants to be recognized. So do I.

There's nothing more tragic than artists from the 70s still doing art from the 70s.

All writing is in fact cut-ups. A collage of words read heard overheard. What else?

It's only in hindsight that you realize what indeed your childhood was really like.

The artist is not a special kind of man, but every man is a special kind of artist.

Every production of an artist should be the expression of an adventure of his soul.

I don't like to have too many makeup artists around, so I always like to do my own.

Each individual's success as a solo artist is pretty much a win for the whole team.

Art solves nothing, either for the artist himself or for those who receive his art.

Novelty is seldom the essential... make a subject better from its intrinsic nature.

History is a facsimile of events held together by finally biographical information.

Every artist makes herself born. You must bring the artist into the world yourself.

It's just strange to think about...whether I'll be an artist or what I'll be doing.

Never strive, O artist, to create what you are not irresistibly impelled to create!

When someone says you can't do what you know you can do, then you can't do anything

I embraced being a pop artist, but I like doing it on my own terms, at my own pace.

If you're an artist, you try to keep an ear to the ground and an ear to your heart.

Silence the artist and you have silenced the most articulate voice the people have.

A visual image in the hand of an artist is merely a tool to trigger a mental image.

Marvin Gaye was one of the coolest. I look to him as a style icon and as an artist.

I don't want to just be an artist for one country, I want to produce for the world.

It's always good when you can bring two artists together who are totally different.

I want to experiment with new techniques and become a "traditional baroque artist."

The artist is the child in the popular fable, every one of whose tears was a pearl.

Let me point out, if it has escaped your notice, that what an artist does, is fail.

I'm always looking at other artists and trying to get inspired by different things.

I definitely feel like I'm more of an artist than an athlete. But I'm good at both.

I was never the one that really wanted to be a solo artist, I was always in groups.

I was probably born with the ability to draw, but that does not make you an artist.

I'm not a performance artist or any of that, I'm not out to please anyone. Just me.

All artists get better with age. The more you draw, the better you're going to get.

Passion is the force that springs an artist from the needling cushion of depression.

You have to have an idea of what you are going to do, but it should be a vague idea.

An artist cannot speak about his art any more than a plant can discuss horticulture.

Taste! It doesn't exist. An artist makes beautiful things without being aware of it.

Artists die twice. First creatively. Then physically. The second one is the easiest.

Accept the fact that you're an artist and stop second-guessing yourself. Just do it.

The artist expresses only what he has within himself, not what he sees with his eyes

My definition of an artist is anyone who's ahead of his time and behind on his rent.

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