The great artist is the simplifier.

I think your life informs your art.

You need a big ego to be an artist.

The artist is justified by his art.

There's no map for being an artist.

God is just another artist, like me.

You think you're an artist; prove it

His art is the health of the artist.

The industry is a menace to artists.

Creative artists have great passion.

Artists are fiery; they do not weep.

The artist is the world's scapegoat.

All artists need a room of their own

Being an artist is celebrating life.

Great artists suffer for the people.

I was more than just a moody artist.

The great artist takes what he needs.

Everything is there: the love of Art.

Artists are the antennae of the race.

I'm definitely a pop artist at heart.

Is an artist much more than a beggar?

I'm a West Coast ratchet L.A. artist.

I paint flowers so they will not die.

My dream is to save them from nature.

Every good painter paints what he is.

God, the king of artists, was clumsy.

The aphorist is a hit and run artist.

An artist must be ruthlessly selfish.

I'm actually a great fan of lucidity.

Great art picks up where nature ends.

People become artists out of despair.

Like books, artists have their fates.

My clothes are very popular in Japan.

Artists are the gatekeepers of truth.

Some of you are doomed to be artists.

All my works are games, serious game.

An artist cannot do anything slovenly.

Hurry ruins saints as well as artists.

The artist as citizen is here to stay.

The frame is the reward of the artist.

Re-creative artists are investigators.

The artist in me cries out for design.

Art moves. Hence its civilizing power.

I am an artist and artists do not lie.

The artist has only to trust his eyes.

Marriage is a gamble, let's be honest.

A lot of artists are such narcissists.

Art is anything you can get away with.

The artist is the antenna of the race.

I remember music first artists second.

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