As an artist, you reach for the pen that's full of blood.

An artist who doesn't have any audience is not an artist.

Derek Trucks is a real good new artist. He's a young guy.

I'm not an artist. I set the camera up and tell my story.

All artists are crackpots. And it's their finest feature.

The artist must train not only his eye but also his soul.

As no man is born an artist, so no man is born an angler.

I will be an artist. I am sure I will. [Vincent Van Gogh]

I've never met an artist whose spirit didn't want to fly.

The sensitive artist knows that a bitter wind is blowing.

I don't have a make-up artist and I don't need a stylist.

Like the eagle, we (artists) must be able to see clearly.

I am famous because I am an African American jazz artist.

Vulgarity is not as destructive to an artist as snobbery.

Visiting a museum is a matter of going from void to void.

Back in the 60s, San Francisco artists lived in communes.

As I say, I as an abstract artist was active politically.

An artist is someone who has learned to trust in himself.

I love creating images, of course, because I'm an artist.

Pictures deface walls more often than they decorate them.

The most interesting thing about artists is how they live

Nothing can come out of an artist that is not in the man.

Well, I worked with lots of different artists, of course.

To be an artist, you need to exist in a world of silence.

I like kids' work more than work by real artists any day.

I'm a freakin' artist, man, not a (expletive) race horse.

Data is what distinguishes the dilettante from the artist

The artist must elect to fight for Freedom or for Slavery.

In every society the artist or writer remains an outsider.

The artist seeks to record his awareness of order in life.

An artist's job is to be interested in things as they are.

An artist is a man who tries to express the inexpressible.

The better the artist, the more vulnerable he seems to be.

I think the job of an artist is to be honest and fearless.

I am a brush, the car is my track and the artist my canvas

Sometimes I'm really dressed up, and it really turns me on

I am not an Earth artist, I'm totally involved in the sky.

An artist needs a certain amount of turmoil and confusion.

The artist must bow to the monster of his own imagination.

Like any artist without an art form, she became dangerous.

Advice to artists: always take the opportunity to shut up.

All artists are now free to express their own personality.

The iPod completely changed the way people approach music.

Lions would have fared better, had lions been the artists.

What I say to an artist is, 'When you can't paint - paint.

An artist is someone who makes art... He didn't invent it.

The artist vocation is to send light into the human heart.

The artist’s job, I think, is to be a conduit for mystery.

The only legitimate artists in England are the architects.

When I am in my painting, I'm not aware of what I'm doing.

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