I really don't like being referred to as a folk artist.

You can't trust an artist that just makes good records.

The immature artist imitates. The mature artist steals.

We will make love an art and we will love like artists.

Everything we do helps the new artists in the long run.

Art imitates Nature in this; not to dare is to dwindle.

The artist lives in an atmosphere of perpetual failure.

It is helpful for a woman artist not to have a husband.

You get used to it when you feel like you're an artist.

You know who a role model for me is? George Ballanchine

Feminists wish women to seem like men. They're not men.

This AIDS stuff is pretty scary. I hope I don't get it.

I'm an artist, so days don't start on any regular time.

Any artist who doesn't think he's the best should quit.

An artist is not paid for his labor but for his vision.

Artists are expected to fit into fraudulent categories.

Artists are better at finding a way to kill their time.

Art is an experience, not the formulation of a problem.

Carving is easy, you just go down to the skin and stop.

Being an artist is supposed to be a scam, not a career.

All the time I'm changing as an artist and as a person.

As struggles go, being an artist isn't that much of one.

A lot of people don't know that: that Artist is my name.

You will think less of the art, when you know the artist

Artists have a right to be modest and a duty to be vain.

Painting cannot be the only activity of a mature artist.

An architect is not an artist but an optimistic realist.

Dead he is not, but departed, for the artist never dies.

Even if you are divine, you don't disdain male consorts.

I had to figure out how to bring the world into my work.

I'm a Christian, but I'm just an artist. I'm a musician.

If you're a musician and an artist, you don't just stop.

The tones of gray, pale turquoise and pink will prevail.

An art which isn't based on feeling isn't an art at all.

Man is no longer an artist, he has become a work of art.

Before 'Gangnam Style' I was not a good attitude artist.

I want to be a manager for new artists, get real estate.

An artist will betray himself by some sort of sincerity.

Every master knows that the material teaches the artist.

My mom is an artist and my own fiction is deeply visual.

Optics, developing in us through study, teach us to see.

It is well with me only when I have a chisel in my hand.

Oil-painting is a developed technique. Why go backwards?

Artists are the people for whom the world is not enough.

The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to.

Context begins with other artists - seniors and mentors.

You don't need to be famous to live a life as an artist.

As an artist, I have to be the ambassador of everything.

God takes care of imbeciles, little children and artists.

I was constantly being around artists and Bohemian types.

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