Art is always, even at its most repulsive, an impassioned cry of love.

Art is not a pleasure, a solace, or an amusement; art is great matter.

A spark in the sun, this tiny flower has roots deep in the cool earth.

Creativity is not passive, I don't see the creation of art as passive.

I think for me, any great art is art which communicates human emotion.

Composition is a way of living out your philosophy and calling it art.

I do not think there is any question of photography being an art form!

Nothing reveals more about the inner life of a people than their arts.

The real value of art is not always revealed by the price set upon it.

Everything that is good in the arts is done by some sort of diversion.

Fame, what you like is in the Limo. Fame, what you get is no tomorrow.

Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable.

The Muse gave the Greeks genius and the art of the well-turned phrase.

The whole idea of ideas in art is useless. Only have ideas about form.

People who are interested in the arts and theater are such a minority.

Great art transcends its culture and touches on that which is eternal.

The art of living is simply getting up after you've been knocked down.

Because all the sick do not recover, therefore medicine is not an art.

This is what art can do in our time. Unite people, and give them hope.

Art is one thing that can go on mattering once it has stopped hurting.

The arts in America exist in spite of America, not because of America.

How hard, how desperately hard, is the way of the experimenter in art!

Besides prostitution, magic is one of the oldest art forms that exist.

I always say film is art, theater is life and television is furniture.

Raising children is a creative endeavor, an art rather than a science.

Art is the ability to separate the significant from the insignificant.

Art is not a reflection of reality, it is the reality of a reflection.

My job is not to produce answers. My job is to produce good questions.

She wants to lead the glamorous life, but without love, it ain't much.

It's only at this age that I can say the word 'art' without flinching.

Affliction is enamoured of thy parts, And thou art wedded to calamity.

Reality only reveals itself when it is illuminated by a ray of poetry.

Contemporary art is an epoch of false money allied with false culture.

Art is an irreplaceable way of understanding and expressing the world.

The love of all-inclusiveness is as dangerous in philosophy as in art.

Art should startle the viewer into thinking about the meaning of life.

Present wars impoverish the lords that win as much as those that lose.

Eloquence is a republican art, as conversation is an aristocratic one.

Harmless and innocent until they're taught to be violent and militant.

Journalism has become the art of "intelligent anticipation of events."

As a kid I learned notions of art and notions of not having any money.

Art, when destroyed can never be replaced, yet history repeats itself.

Attack is the secret of defense; defense is the planning of an attack.

I'm not the greatest driver. I don't know if I'll ever master the art.

What distinguishes modern art from the art of other ages is criticism.

If you're looking for something to be brave about, consider fine arts.

Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.

You come to nature with all her theories, and she knocks them all flat.

It has bothered me all my life that I do not paint like everybody else.

To tame the proud, the fetter'd slave to free, These are imperial arts.

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