Alas! for love, if thou art all, And nought beyond, O earth.

Art and prayer are the only decent ejaculations of the soul.

Know thy birth! For dost thou art, and shalt to dust return.

The hare of history once more overtakes the tortoise of art.

Judo helps us to understand that worry is a waste of energy.

I love art and music more than I love fashion, to be honest.

A community of people, that's the really what art school is.

Nothing right can be accomplished in art without enthusiasm.

Teaching at university isn't like teaching in an art school.

I love musicals. I love horror movies and I love art movies.

Art is the demonstration that the ordinary is extraordinary.

If I spit, they will take my spit and frame it as great art.

Too much art was no art at all. Like candy instead of bread!

In art as in life, form and subject, body and soul, are one.

Art is like beginning a sentence before you know its ending.

The big secret about Art is that no one wants it to be true.

I always distrust the word art when it is applied to acting.

Art is great only when it bears the stamp of the individual.

One can't paint New York as it is, but rather as it is felt.

Art is a word which summarizes the quality of communication.

Ah, to build, to build! That is the noblest of all the arts.

diplomacy, n.: The patriotic art of lying for one's country.

Religion is not in want of art; it rests on its own majesty.

Art is wine and experience is the brandy we distill from it.

Every authentic work of art is a gift offered to the future.

Art is form struggling to wake from the nightmare of nature.

Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see.

Art doesn't spring from the muses alone, but from hard work.

What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?

Anyone who presumes to teach art has no understanding of it.

In this art form, in any art form, generalities are useless.

To an artist, creating an image means being in love with it.

Murals in restaurants are on a par with the food in museums.

Art is endless like a river flowing, passing, yet remaining.

We think and name in one world, we live and feel in another.

Greenwich Village... the village of low rents and high arts.

Art means something very rare, an extraordinary achievement.

Management is the art of getting things done through people.

Art evokes emotion. It doesn't have to be a thing of beauty.

Poetry is the art of saying what you mean but disguising it.

I always like to leave art and music open to interpretation.

In art there is no progress, only fluctuations of intensity.

The aim of art is to project an inner vision into the world.

In Holland, everyone is an expert in painting and in tulips.

Where I am always thou art. Thy image lives within my heart.

The poet never asks for admiration; he wants to be believed.

Through art we express our conception of what nature is not.

Art cannot progress by sticking to what is already familiar.

Christianity in its ideas was never the art of the possible.

If quick, I survive. If not quick, I am lost. This is death.

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