Art does not begin with imitation, but with discipline.

Art is a form of play rejoicing before the face of God.

Entertainment provides relief. Art provokes engagement.

Art is an experience, not the formulation of a problem.

Talking about music is like dancing about architecture.

The beauty of a great idea lies in the art of using it.

A society that forgets about art risks loslng its soul.

If you have many desires your life will be interesting.

Democracy is the art of thinking independently together.

You will think less of the art, when you know the artist

I like to pretend that my art has nothing to do with me.

I would be nowhere without martial arts. It's a passion.

To begin with the wine jar in learning the potter's art.

I moved to Holland because I wanted to see American art.

Art is the employent of the powers of nature for an end.

I wouldn't give five cents for all the art in the world.

When real work happens and that's when real art happens.

The true masters of the art of living are already happy.

If the whole is to be Art, the parts must not try to be.

Magic: (n) The art of converting superstition into coin.

Art is the gift of God, and must be used unto His glory.

I find comedy to be one of the highest of the art forms.

The only thing approaching art in a movie is the script.

The lamps are burning and the starry sky is over it all.

I prefer to leave the paintings to speak for themselves.

Exposure to the arts and culture is enormously valuable.

The only work of art which succeeds is that which fails.

Controversy is part of the nature of art and creativity.

Without enthusiasm nothing great can be effected in art.

Cortissoz was art critic of the New York Herald Tribune.

The foremost art of Kings is the power to endure hatred.

Painting is an infinitely minute part of my personality.

Lying just for the fun of it is either art or pathology.

The first mistake of art is to assume that it's serious.

An art which isn't based on feeling isn't an art at all.

A game played with serious problems. That's what art is.

Making good wine is a skill; making fine wine is an art.

A work of art which did not begin in emotion is not art.

Art is enchantment and artists have the right of spells.

All art is failure. How one fails is a different matter.

Henry James was one of the nicest old ladies I ever met.

I am convinced that in the arts, committees are useless.

Vipassana is the art of living. Not the art of escaping.

Perfection is no more a requisite to art than to heroes.

A work of art is never finished. It is merely abandoned.

I believe that treating other people well is a lost art.

Acting is the ability to keep an audience from coughing.

The proper use of commas is often more art than science.

My mustrious lordship, i'll show you what a woman can do

To capture an enemies army is better than to destroy it.

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