Can compromise be an art? Yes--but a minor art.

Art takes whatever - and as long as - it takes.

Your work speaks for you. Your art defines you.

Happiness is not the end of life: character is.

Art is only art if it is synonymous with living

Light in Nature creates the movement of colors.

Art, if it is successful, needs no explanation.

The work of art is the exaggeration of an idea.

One must try, everyday, to expand one's limits.

All art is political, all art is a martial one.

There's an audience for all kinds of great art.

Human requirements are the inspiration for art.

To read a novel is a difficult and complex art.

The true art of memory is the art of attention.

I don't say everything, but I paint everything.

Art should become as one with its surroundings.

Art is vice. One does not wed it, one rapes it.

Immature artists imitate. Mature artists steal.

Every work of art depicts an aspect of reality.

Even a true artist does not always produce art.

Hardening of the categories causes art disease.

I made art a philosophy, and philosophy an art.

This grandiose tragedy that we call modern art.

Art is the imposing of a pattern on experience.

A circle is the longest distance to same point.

Reading is a majority skill but a minority art.

Don't think about making art, just get it done.

It is hard to separate the art from the artist.

Art is the child of imagination and gives life.

To create a work of art is to create the world.

It is the unforeseeable that creates the event.

You know what ART stands for? Above Real Truth.

Entertainment is in art like color in pictures.

I'm a commercial artist, both in music and art.

Any work of art must first of all tell a story.

People in misery is what most important in art.

Heaven truly knows that thou art false as hell.

Nobody needs an Artist, but everyone needs ART.

Drawing is the art of taking a line for a walk.

All art, like all love, is rooted in heartache.

One man cannot practice many arts with success.

Sound unbound by nature becomes bounded by art.

What matters in art is not thinking but making.

Cerebration is the enemy of originality in art.

The art of survival is a story that never ends.

Death, thou art infinite; it is life is little.

Does art imitate life, or does life imitate TV?

Hollywood is a great place if you're an orange.

Art would be useless if the world were perfect.

Art is concerned with the HOW and not the WHAT.

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