In the early stages of creation of both art and science, everything in the mind is a story.

Music is art to me, and you don't censor art. You don't go into a museum and censor things.

When I was a boy, unconsciously, spontaneously I learned the art of telling ironic stories.

I think in art, but especially in films, people are trying to confirm their own existences.

I've always been interested in a lot of the medieval art portraying people being tormented.

You need more fact in the dangerous art of giving presents than in any other social action.

Art is a fruit that grows in man, like a fruit on a plant, or a child in its mother's womb.

The line between art and life should be kept as fluid, and perhaps indistinct, as possible.

The darkening of the world makes the irrationality of art rational: radically darkened art.

To express the emotions of life is to live. To express the life of emotions is to make art.

Revolutionary art and visionary physics are both investigations into the nature of reality.

Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.

Everything you have is to give. Thou art a phenomenon of philosophy and an unfortunate man.

It was one of those plays in which all of the actors unfortunately enunciated very clearly.

Cookery is naturally the most ancient of the arts, as of all arts it is the most important.

Magick is the art of causing changes in consciousness to occur in accordance with the will.

I think everybody deserves freedom. Freedom is such an abstract word, but it's all we need.

If I set out to sculpt a standing man and it becomes a lying woman, I know I am making art.

When you take technology and mix it with art, you always come up with something innovative.

Improvisation is the art of being completely O.K. with not knowing what the f— you’re doing

Like art and politics, gangsterism is a very important avenue of assimilation into society.

The biggest problem with every art is by the use of appearance to create a loftier reality.

Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it.

The danger of art created to rise above the noise is that it may end up being noise itself.

My code of life and my personal bushido is honour, respect, loyalty, courage and surrender.

The goal of all your hard work should be to make your reality everyone else's fantasy land.

I already have a wife who is too much for me.. she is my art, and my works are my children.

Art in the United States is a kind of visual entertainment focusing on expected narratives.

The idea of experimenting with machines to create art was always something I tinkered with.

An artist should create beautiful things, but should put nothing of his own life into them.

I haven't made art about Israel. There's a covert subtext of Jewish identity in my artwork.

I'm always interested in people who are not orientated in art circles to become part of it.

For me, music is sort of the art that I can't incorporate into my person the way I want to.

It is the addition of strangeness to beauty that constitutes the romantic character in art.

Art in its perfection is not ostentatious; it lies hid and works its effect, itself unseen.

The Hollywood sirens are shrieking, while down some search lit alley runs some lost belief.

The very essence of martial arts is the thirst for knowledge and the truth about ourselves.

Art is based on order. The world is full of 'sloppy Bohemians' and their work betrays them.

Contrary to the outstanding work of art, outstanding theory is susceptible to improvements.

The making of one's life into art is, after all, the first duty and privilege of every man.

What the study of history and artistic creation have in common is a mode of forming images.

Art is incredibly subjective. What is great art to one person isn't necessarily to another.

Seek art from every time and place, in any form, to connect with those who really move you.

I would no more quarrel with a man because of his religion than I would because of his art.

Fashion is a potency in art, making it hard to judge between the temporary and the lasting.

Eagerly pursuing all the latest fads and trends cause he's a dedicated follower of fashion.

The arts are the salt of the earth; as salt relates to food, the arts relate to technology.

Art is a fruit that grows in man, like a fruit on a plant, or a child in its mother's womb.

Never worry about being obsessive. I like obsessive people. Obsessive people make great art

I grew up overseas in Indonesia, and my school had a great art, music, and theatre program.

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