In every art, beginners must start with models of those who have practiced the same art before them.

I don't see what else you can spend your money on... If you want to own things, art is a pretty good bet.

Making music and art is about expressing something that's universally human, maybe even beyond human, at best.

The purpose of truly transcendent art is to express something you are not yet, but something that you can become.

Whether something is called art is beside the point. What counts is what happens when you ask it to actually be art.

Whatever art is, it is no longer something primarily to be looked at. Stared at, perhaps, but not primarily looked at

I think I always knew that I would do something with art because it was the one thing that I knew I was really good at.

Art is really predicated upon the experiences that you've had in your life. You only have to share what you've consumed.

Art is a partnership not only between those who are living but between those who are dead and those who are yet to be born.

Duchamp's urinal was art once he put it in a gallery. In fact, one working definition of art is anything that is in a gallery.

What's really good about the word 'art' is that 'art' is a word like 'love,' or 'god,' or whatever. It transcends so many things.

Art is amoral; so is life. For me there are no obscene pictures or books; there are only poorly conceived and poorly executed ones.

I love art. But I love it because it is the expression of a living philosophy. It's the leftovers. Art is what's left over from life.

The most glorious thing about working in the collaborative art is when you have somebody like Susan Kingsley or Kathy Bates who are better than your play.

All art is concerned with coming into being; for it is concerned neither with things that are, or come into being by necessity, nor with things that do so in accordance with nature.

Street art is designed to be seen out of the corner of your eye, on the hoof. Art that's made for galleries is made to be looked at in a more static way for a longer period of time and may not be so striking immediately, but perhaps resonates for a longer period.

I didn't know Michael Heizer until I was preparing for my "Earthworks" show in 1968, and somebody called and told me to look at his work. Heizer had already made land art before any of the others and was deeply into it. But he was very young and working out West, so I wasn't aware of his work until he came and showed it to me.

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