Greater than the tread of mighty armies is an idea whose time has ...

Greater than the tread of mighty armies is an idea whose time has come.

Soldiers generally win battles; generals get credit for them.

Soldiers generally win battles; generals get credit for them.

Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.

Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.

I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an ...

I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.

There is nothing impossible to him who will try.

There is nothing impossible to him who will try.

My dad was career Army.

I do not steal victory.

The soldier is the army.

The sergeant is the Army.

I feel an army in my fist.

My movement is 'Rose Army.'

I generally had to give in.

I owe everything to the army.

We love American ARMY so much!

Army life don't agree with me.

Too many kings can ruin an army

A rational army would run away.

An army marches on its stomach.

I have a whole army of pajamas.

Courage is grace under pressure.

An army of lovers shall not fail.

The Army was my bread and butter.

The unyielding army will not win.

Ability without honor is useless.

Without supplies no army is brave.

By the work one knows the workman.

Discipline is the soul of an army.

Drinking is the soldier's pleasure.

Freedom is not given - it is taken.

The true objective of war is peace.

I knew some of the army quite well.

Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun

Armies are not only for offensives.

A liar ought to have a good memory.

Respect a man, he will do the more.

Making the world safe for hypocrisy.

An army of the people is invincible!

There are no more worlds to conquer!

Mines are equal opportunity weapons.

Be heroes in an army of construction.

Join the army and see the next world.

Lebanon does not have a powerful army.

Politeness goes far, yet costs nothing.

Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke.

Bring the army of the faithful through.

A leader leads by example not by force.

I will not move my army without onions.

It is war now, and armies need symbols.

I spent 17 years in the Brazilian army.

Without music, we wouldn't have an Army.

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