When I was in architecture school at Princeton, the worst thing you could say about someone was that they were eclectic.

I have a strong sense that every project is an invention, which is not a word I hear being used in architecture courses.

Architecture immortalizes and glorifies something. Hence there can be no architecture where there is nothing to glorify.

The building is a special place because of its architecture; But it's people who make it special by participating in it.

Splendid architecture, the love of your life, an old friend... they can all go drifting by unseen if you're not careful.

God created paper for the purpose of drawing architecture on it. Everything else is, at least for me, an abuse of paper.

I would've been intrigued by being a film director. I would've been intrigued by politics. I thought about architecture.

The sight of such a monument is like continual and stationary music, which one hears for one's good as one approaches it.

I do believe architecture, and all art, should be content-driven. It should have something to say beyond the sensational.

Great buildings that move the spirit have always been rare. In every case they are unique, poetic, products of the heart.

I love cloisters, which are the architectural equivalent of a theological concept: perfect freedom within set boundaries.

The Green Climate Fund is very much a strategic building block in the architecture for financing sustainable development.

Because of the nature of the profession of architecture, the art of architecture nourishes itself from other disciplines.

Architecture is exposed to life. If its body is sensitive enough, it can assume a quality that bears witness to past life.

I love seeing New York City Ballet from the fourth ring, just seeing the architecture of how these bodies move from above.

I don't separate architecture, design, or culture. What's more important is a language of creativity that carries meaning.

I think Miss Monroe as architecture is extremely good architecture, and she's a very natural actress, and a very good one.

The English light is so very subtle, so very soft and misty, that the architecture responded with great delicacy of detail.

A man of eighty has outlived probably three new schools of painting, two of architecture and poetry and a hundred in dress.

Every market we go to, we have a domain-specific language. Every domain-specific language, underneath, has an architecture.

A lot of my work is about questioning the stability and permanence of architecture, and, in turn, the stability of society.

There's something about the processional nature of the architecture, of the rooms connecting rooms. It's just breathtaking.

The details are the very source of expression in architecture. But we are caught in a vice between art and the bottom line.

The problem with digital architecture is that an algorithm can produce endless variations, so an architect has many choices.

After I finished school, I went to JJ College of Architecture and then to Harvard. I did my B.A. with a major in filmmaking.

Architecture is a negotiated art, and it's highly political, and if you want to make buildings, there is diplomacy required.

I love antique architecture, so if I have any indulgences, I have owned and renovated and reconstructed a lot of old houses.

When I'm in London, Claridge's is a great favourite. I'm a big fan of art deco architecture and the rooms are extraordinary.

Every great architect is - necessarily - a great poet. He must be a great original interpreter of his time, his day, his age.

Clearly, if a building is not functionally and technically in order, then it isn't architecture either, it's just a building.

To me, the fashion and architecture I like are very closely linked. Both should be clean and simple and without embellishment.

I always had a sense of liking diagrams, from the time I was studying architecture. Architecture is built diagrams, basically.

Architecture is bound to situation. And I feel like the site is a metaphysical link, a poetic link, to what a building can be.

It is not the beauty of a building you should look at; its the construction of the foundation that will stand the test of time.

Architecture is restricted to such a limited vocabulary. A building is either a high-rise or a perimeter block or a town house.

Minimalism is not defined by what is not there but by the rightness of what is and the richness with which this is experienced.

All architecture is great architecture after sunset; perhaps architecture is really a nocturnal art, like the art of fireworks.

Architecture was the last of the major professions to devise a formal 'cursus honorum' before its practice could be undertaken.

Architecture remains a passion and a subject I'm very interested in. I learned a great deal from studying it and working in it.

Everything about camera movement, about how film was made, shot architecture, and time management... I was horrible at all that.

Man, there's another freedom out there, and it comes from somewhere else, and that somewhere else is the place I'm interested in.

You see a lot of so-called architecture that part of the ego trip overpowers the functionality and the budget and all that stuff.

In architecture, the demand was no longer for box-like forms, but for buildings that have something to say to the human emotions.

My interest was always to do interdisciplinary work with space. I thought of architecture as one strand in a multimedia practice.

Architecture is a result of a process of asking questions and testing them and re-interrogating and changing in a repetitive way.

The architecture scene in China is the most open and free climate compared to many other places. You can find many opportunities.

I want to do interiors, furniture. I want to do architecture, although I'm not an architect. Nor am I a trained interior designer.

Architecture appears for the first time when the sunlight hits a wall. The sunlight did not know what it was before it hit a wall.

Architecture has to be greater than just architecture. It has to address social values, as well as technical and aesthetic values.

I think I went to Italy initially for the art, architecture, food and history, but I stayed there because of the people in Cortona.

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