We don't earn God's love; we receive it. We don't work for His approval; He approves us.

Power, approval, comfort, and control are meta-idols that hold sway over our daily lives.

If you need the approval of the platform vendor to ship an app, then it isn't a platform.

Approval makes the world go round, even if many of us want to transcend our hunger for it.

Next to the disapproval of our friends, the approval of our enemies is most to be dreaded.

I know it sounds really weedy, but we are all children who seek approval from our parents.

One longs to be funny, to make people laugh. Laughter is such a sign of approval, isn't it?

But presidential approval also became a surrogate measure of national unity and patriotism.

Don't look for approval in what everyone else is doing; look for approval from Almighty God.

Is it any wonder, why the approval ratings of the Congress go up every time we go into recess?

Whenever you are too worried about someone else's approval, that person loses respect for you.

The best ballplayer's the one who doesn't think he made good. He keeps trying to convince you.

Applause felt like approval, and it became a drug that soothed the pain, but only temporarily.

The worm that destroys you is the temptation to agree with your critics, to get their approval.

The standard God has for you has nothing to do with approval, and everything to do with purpose.

A creative life cannot be sustained by approval, any more than it can be destroyed by criticism.

Acting... was the biggest charge I ever had. What other artist has it so good? Approval so quick?

Knowing and being secure in yourself keeps you from being held hostage by the approval of others.

Needing approval is like saying 'your view of me is more important than my own opinion of myself'.

People who want the most approval get the least and people who need approval the least get the most.

Hillary Clinton is given approval and veto power over quotes written about her in the New York Times.

Lebanon is a Syrian protectorate. The Lebanese dare not do anything without the approval of Damascus.

Pioneering is never done in front of cheerleaders urging on a roaring grandstand of popular approval.

Of course, mothers were very conventional, everything was very conventional. You had to have approval.

You have the approval of yourself. That's quite enough for we who know true inner peace! - Charmainism

I would ruin my credibility if I put my stamp of approval of anything I didn't do my due diligence on.

Giving jazz the Congressional seal of approval is a little like making Huck Finn an honorary Boy Scout.

If I wasn't so insecure about myself I wouldn't work as hard as I do. I am constantly seeking approval.

We are all entitled to our little harmless habits, but we are not entitled to demand approval for them.

What higher approval could a person enjoy than to know that what he or she has done is pleasing to God?

When you come from where I come from, you're trying to get approval for something - you don't know what.

We will never be the women God wants us to be if our hearts are continually chasing after human approval.

It's always easier to apologize for something you've already done than to get approval for it in advance.

But I'm not worried about seeking out the approval of others - that high school thing of joining the club.

To fill the hour; that is happiness to fill the hour, and leave no crevice for a repentance or an approval.

This funding from the National Endowment for the Arts has been like the Good Housekeeping seal of approval.

I would say the hardest part in the Latino world is approval from your parents. It's such an intense thing.

I much prefer the sharpest criticism of a single intelligent man to the thoughtless approval of the masses.

A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep.

You don't realize you're vying for the approval of everyone so much until being yourself is not approved of.

There is nothing more shocking than to see assertion and approval dashing ahead of cognition and perception.

Until we accept and approve of ourselves, no amount of approval from others will keep us permanently secure.

One month, two months, I am ready to accept any accord on this point that has the approval of the inspectors.

When you have to wait 10 and 15 years for an approval and then you don't even get the approval, it's no good.

This joy of discovery is real, and it is one of our rewards. So too is the approval of our work by our peers.

When my mother left her second husband, she wrote her autobiography and presented it to him for his approval.

Expediency therefore concurs with Nature in stamping the seal of its approval upon Regularity of conformation.

Winning our fans' approval will come from all of us doing the right things for the right reasons, me included.

EJECTION, n. An approved remedy for the disease of garrulity. It is also much used in cases of extreme poverty.

Never trust girls who let themselves be touched right away. But even less those who need a priest for approval.

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