Algebra applies to the clouds.

Insight must precede application.

Email is a fundamental application.

Application of humility is service.

The life of doctrine is in application.

Learn diligence before speedy execution.

Application of your faith will change your life

Humility is practical application of knowledge.

Slits in nothingness are not very easy to paint.

Adultery is the application of democracy to love.

I ain't never filled out no application in my life.

An ounce of application is worth a ton of abstraction.

Success is the uncommon application of common knowledge

Amazon does online application hosting. So does Alibaba.

The Golden Rule finds no limit of application in business.

We usually don't have applications in mind. They come later.

My powers are ordinary. Only my application brings me success.

The main application of Pure Mathematics is to make you happy.

Make-up is all about shading; it's about tactical application.

We don't need bipartisanship, we need application of principle.

The bearings of this observation lays in the application of it.

I'm a big believer in using the best IP for a given application.

Nothing can be more puritanical in application than the virtues.

Healing is the application of love to the places inside that hurt.

General rules are dangerous of application in particular instances.

Knowledge alone makes Christians haughty. Application makes us holy.

Every application designed for 2D interfaces will be obsoleted by AR.

The social network is the paradigm of the modern service application.

Mediocrity obtains more with application than superiority without it.

Law is any application for the official use of coercion that succeeds.

Psychoanalysts seem to be long on information and short on application.

I don't remember writing anything until I wrote my college application.

The supreme application of human attention is to be a vessel to carry awe.

A manager is responsible for the application and performance of knowledge.

Biblical justice is the equitable application of God's moral law in society.

Maxims are often quoted by those who stand in more need of their application.

I love the Instamatic application on my I phone, it takes the coolest photos.

Arguably, the application of complete libertarianism leads one towards anarchy.

Success is the product of the severest kind of mental and physical application.

There is no such thing as applied science, only the application of pure science.

Christ's intercession is the continual application of his death to our salvation.

If you ain't got your black hat, there ain't no use in filling out an application.

The virtue of a human being is the application of his capacity to the general good.

Well Web services are nothing more than a way for users to interact with applications.

I see no thread running through my work; I simply get on with my life and my painting.

Preaching is the expression of the moral sentiment in application to the duties of life.

I'm perplexed, though, by your application of the term 'negative' to my figural imagery.

There is no study that is not capable of delighting us after a little application to it.

We know a post-email world is coming. Asana is the first credible post-email application.

But any perception of this application being speeded up requires me to take responsibility.

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