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The internet creates more of an appetite for media - it doesn't replace physical books, radio or TV.
I am pleased to tell you that he is finally getting some rest and is regaining his appetite as well.
To benefit your metabolism, your appetite, and your waistline, snacks need to have protein and fiber.
We remain unconvinced that consumer appetite for mobile TV services exists outside of niche segments.
Love is an appetite which, like all other appetites, is destroyed for the moment by its gratification.
When you do something with a lot of honesty, appetite and commitment, the input reflects in the output.
My appetite for self-destruction and misery is greatly diminished. I'm not interested in being unhappy.
There is an incredible appetite out there for in-depth, high-level conversations about what's going on.
We each after a while have to become reconciled to what it is that our talents and appetites lead us to.
The appetite for power is old and irrepressible in humankind, and in its action almost always destructive.
When I got the appetite for more and more theatre, all I could think of was trying to get back to New York.
Furthermore I will just have to see what the future will bring me. But a change of food whets the appetite.
The masses will reject any theory, however reasonable it may be, if it lays a restriction upon the appetite.
All that self-expression has just created a generation of morons, hooked on an endless appetite for rubbish.
To me many short poems read and write like beginnings that simply whet my appetite; I want to get over that.
Becoming a reader grows our horizons, our appetite for the good, the true and the beautiful, and our empathy.
Existence is Appetite: the gnaw of being; the one attempt of all things to assimilate to some higher attempt.
Calories from protein affect your brain, your appetite control center, so you are more satiated and satisfied.
It could be my British need for discipline that makes me admire the American appetite for freedom and passion.
You made me lose my appetite, Boomer." "My mom tells me that all the time. Your family must be just like mine!
Only in 1999 and 1984 have we seen a persistently strong dollar and strong risk appetite harmoniously co-exist.
The soul is no longer honored as it once was, but it still keeps appetite from being the measure of all things.
I was exposed to the gym at about 28. I never had a huge love or appetite for it - it was just a means to an end.
There's a great appetite for smart television. Every day I get up and there are interesting stories I want to do.
Just as appetite comes by eating, so work brings inspiration, if inspiration is not discernible at the beginning.
The thought of playing in Spain did whet my appetite - playing in a new country and everything that comes with it.
When I was given my first gig, and I had no real appetite for a career, I just worked to get money so I could live!
If you crave for Knowledge, the banquet of Knowledge grows and groans on the board until the finer appetite sickens.
I think there's still an appetite among a certain audience to see intelligent movies that have real emotion in them.
I had a healthy appetite [being pregnant]. I got more healthy as time goes on, and they grew. I never let myself go.
If you want to lose weight, you must make sure your appetite for life is far bigger than your appetite for mere food.
Listen to some good poetry. You see? It keeps us from thinking we are only what our blatant appetites describe us as.
Any man today who returns from work, sinks into a chair, and calls for his pipe is a man with an appetite for danger.
Certainly in my appetite for more challenges, it's very much alive. I love comedy and it comes to me in a natural way.
There was a much more self-destructive nature in 'Appetite.' It was a going-for-it-at-all-cost thing that worked then.
An insatiable appetite for glory leads to sacrifice and death, but innate instinct leads to self-preservation and life.
Usually, you measure appetite of investors by their ability or willingness to take a bit of leverage on their positions.
My husband is experimental, loves to cook, and is really good at it. If I do the cooking, I lose my appetite. Why is that?
Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.
We have a big appetite for putting people down but, at the heart of everyone, there's enough room for all of us to succeed.
I ate cucumbers and saltines - not because I wanted to look a certain way, but because I was so sad my appetite disappeared.
Once you put everything in the right perspective, even bad times can be an opportunity to refresh your appetite, your desire.
There is always a heavy demand for fresh mediocrity. In every generation the least cultivated taste has the largest appetite.
I think there is an enormous appetite for great roles for women. You can see that clearly with things like 'The Hunger Games.'
My curiosity and my appetite for evolving as an actor is one of the main components of me still working today in the business.
Our minds are like our stomaches; they are whetted by the change of their food, and variety supplies both with fresh appetite.
The public has an appetite for anything about imagination - anything that is as far away from reality as is creatively possible.
I think there is an insatiable appetite for romance and for love stories, which is partly why these books and movies do so well.
Society is composed of two great classes those who have more dinners than appetite, and those who have more appetite than dinners.