When you're used to having electricity and then all of a sudden it's taken away, you're basically just one step from being a wild animal.

Until suitable alternatives are found, this vital work should continue so that hundreds of millions more lives can be saved in the future

Being vegan provides us with the peace of knowing that we are no longer participants in the hideous violence that is animal exploitation.

For a large number of problems, there will be some animal of choice, or a few such animals, on which it can be most conveniently studied.

If you can kill animals, the same attitude can kill human beings. The mentality is the same which exploits nature and which creates wars.

Humans were denied the speech of animals. The only common ground of communication upon which dogs and men can get together is in fiction.

I do ask myself sometimes, what am I doing writing about animals that talk like we do? But I guess it's okay if it brings across a point.

They say that cats are the only animal that can sit in your lap and ignore you. To which I say: you've never been to the Spearmint Rhino.

The mole is an animal that digs passages searching for the sun. Sometimes he reaches the surface. When he looks at the sun he goes blind.

By steadily disciplining the animal nature, until it becomes one pointed, it is possible to establish conscious awareness of The Eternal.

The moment that you impose your will on another person or animal, that's when we are allowed to say you have committed an ethical breach.

I won't wear fur - never, ever. I'm an animal lover. I wouldn't even wear faux fur. I prefer to go the cheap route and not shave my legs.

I love living with animals. And my children love animals. I love walking around and being with the horses. But the deer? They're naughty.

There is no evidence that an animal can take on the sophisticated task of deciding to end his life and to communicate that decision to us.

It was spring break, so the theater was always packed with high schools students. It was an animal house. I wanted to burn the place down.

Unconscious behavior is at the core. Think of the 40 billion animals we abuse and eat who are born into suffering. It's a karmic disaster.

Compassion for animals is something that every child has naturally but they are lured away from these instincts by society's nasty habits.

Animals can be driven crazy by placing too many in too small a pen. Homo sapiens is the only animal that voluntarily does this to himself.

Guns aren't toys! They're for family protection, hunting dangerous or delicious animals, and keeping the King of England out of your face!

The most defenseless tenderness and the bloodiest of powers have a similar need of confession. Western man has become a confessing animal.

People should be more like animals . . . they should be more intuitive; they should not be too conscious of what they do while they do it.

In the midst of all the candy and commercialism, let's not lose sight of the true meaning of Halloween: tree worship and animal sacrifice.

But if you love animals for all the right reasons- and that's just love and affection- then you're going to go after animals who need you.

We see the world piece by piece, as the sun, the moon, the animal, the tree; but the whole, of which these are shining parts, is the soul.

A humanist is anyone who rejects the attempt to describe or account for man wholly on the basis of physics, chemistry or animal behaviour.

In a few generations more, there will probably be no room at all allowed for animals on the earth: no need of them, no toleration of them.

Nature as a whole is a progressive realization of purpose strictly comparable to the realization of purpose in any single plant or animal.

Without the perfect sympathy with the animals around them, no gentleman's education, no Christian education, could be of any possible use.

We call them dumb animals, and so they are, for they cannot tell us how they feel, but they do not suffer less because they have no words.

If you're not happy, if you're not Emmersonianly happy and think everything's going to get better, then you're just sort of a dark animal.

When you side with a man, you stay with him. And if you can't do that, you're like some animal. You're finished. We're finished. All of us.

Those who actually hate animals to the point of being cruel to them are outcasts to the rest of us, no matter where in the world they live.

Man is an individual. The animals, plants and minerals are divided into species. They are not individualized in the same sense that man is.

Be it human or animal, touch is a life-giving thing. Has anyone ever had a stroke or a heart attack while cozied up with a pet? I doubt it.

It's human nature, we take a mile when we're given an inch. We're crazy. You see what we did to the animals! They don't even exist anymore!

It now seems plain to me that that theory ought to be vacated in favor of a new and truer one...the Descent of Man from the Higher Animals.

There is something going on now in Mexico that I happen to think is cruelty to animals. What I'm talking about, of course, is cat juggling.

Happiness is a carnival game. It's never as easy as it looks, but the dumb ones always seem to be walking around with a big stuffed animal.

Am I in the picture? Am I getting in or out of it? I could be a ghost, an animal or a dead body, not just this girl standing on the corner?

You're not a bunch of people lock-stepped with the politically correct. Oh no! Don't shoot the animals! They might get their feelings hurt!

Our little Spaceship Earth is only eight thousand miles in diameter, which is almost a negligible dimension in the great vastness of space.

North American cats eat more fish than all the world's seals put together, yet we lay the blame on the seals for the declining fish stocks.

You ask why I'm fascinated by the human figure? As a human animal, I am interested in some of my fellow animals: in their minds and bodies.

Animals are complicated and so is the animal-rights opposition. It's hard to read motives in animals, and hard to read motives in politics.

Animals on factory farms all face pain and fear, just like the animals we share our homes with, yet are repeatedly abused in shocking ways.

I like handling newborn animals. Fallen into life from an unmappable world, they are the ultimate immigrants, full of wonder and confusion.

The attitude we have towards our personal pets as opposed to the animals that suffer under the factory farm is hypocritical and delusional.

I would happily, sometimes more than happily, have vacated my role as an animal theologian, if there were others prepared to take my place.

The animal has no intellectual capacity to justify or to find reasons to exist. An animal just exists because it's the natural thing to do.

Animals are not here for us to do as we please with. We are not their superiors, we are their equals. We are their family. Be kind to them.

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