I'm sure God, wherever he is, wants to see us get along with one another and love one another.

Live in joy and love even among those who hate; live in joy and peace even among the troubled.

If the truth didn't help anyone, and love didn't last, what was there left to struggle toward?

I mean, gosh, my first tours I ever did were with the Ramones and Iggy Pop and Love & Rockets.

Women and love are underpinnings. Examine them and you threaten the very structure of culture.

Divine is all Love in its essential nature, and Love is all Divine in its truthful expression.

I expand in abundance, success and love every day as I inspire those around me to do the same.

Music expresses longing and love and joy better than any piece of dialogue you can ever write.

The more we give of ourselves, the more our capacity to serve, understand, and love will grow.

What is the message of Christmas? It is the birth of the One who promised peace, joy and love.

In education, as in religion and love, compulsion thwarts the purpose for which it is employed.

For the first time I was learning how much easier it was to leave than to stay behind and love.

Affection may be abiding and love may be abiding, but the state of being in love is transitory.

I'm a total control freak and love to participate in the design of every single aspect of life.

Sometimes I just crave to play in Shakespeare again and I know and love playing Orlando so much.

A person who is true to himself likes and loves others for what they are and not what they have.

What's wrong with shoes? I collected them because it was like a symbol of thanksgiving and love?

I'm an obsessive writer who needs and loves revision. Writing helps me learn and helps me teach.

The finite human being shall never know in its fullness Truth and Love which is itself infinite.

Propounding peace and love without practical or institutional engagement is delusion, not virtue.

Fear your admirers! Learn in time to hear, understand, and love the cruel truth about yourselves!

Mama is funny. She has a great sense of humor and loves a good joke. Loves a practical joke, too.

A family is a family not because of gender but because of values, like commitment, trust and love.

Those who would know much, and love little, will ever remain at but the beginning of a godly life.

Great leaders genuinely care for and love the people they lead more than they love leading itself.

Paul Rudnick is a champion of truth (and love and great wicked humor) whom we ignore at our peril.

Do what you love and love what you do. Don’t do anything for money. Everything should be for love.

Spirituality is allowing compassion and love to flourish. When belongness begins, corruption ends.

I did not pray for any relief, but I prayed for strength to suffer with courage, humility and love.

There is only one real number: one. And love, apparently, is the best exponent of this singularity.

Not only do self-love and love of others go hand in hand but ultimately they are indistinguishable.

Fear of God and love for God coexist happily in the heart of people who are rightly related to Him.

Respect is based on Friendship,and friendship is based on love and love is so accidental isn't it ?

Sing like nobody can hear you, dance like nobody can see you, and love like you've never been hurt.

It's very easy to accept and love those who are like us, but to love someone different is very hard

I was always talking about peace and love, even when I was a kid. That's how I grew up in my family.

I love all Yes music and love to play it live, but I'm most interested in making new music with Yes.

Cats know how to obtain food without labor, shelter without confinement, and love without penalties.

Sometimes you have to trust people enough to let them succeed and love them enough to let them fail.

I would give more for the private esteem and love of one than for the public praise of ten thousand.

If you are a taker of happiness you get misery, if you are a giver of happiness you get joy and love.

I believe in and love the populist, nationalist, antiglobalist rebellion happening all over the West.

just remember: i love you, and love yourselves. 'cause, little monsters, you were born that way baby.

The world tells us to seek success, power and money; God tells us to seek humility, service and love.

Without Self-confidence there cannot be God. So, first there must be Self-confidence and love of God.

Real spirituality and love is always manifest. It always goes to those who are with us and around us.

I'm English and love England. Whenever I'm there, I'm always seeing the present but feeling its past.

People either know Alan Rudolph and love every single one of his films or they don't know him at all.

It is the combination of thought and love which forms the irresistible force of the law of attraction.

The diligent scholar is he that loves himself, and desires to have reason to applaud and love himself.

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