No, I never went to college. Always regretted it, always envied people who did.

I've always wanted to do a travel show for people who never thought they could.

I never want people to be repulsed with my pictures; I always want to attract people.

People always ask what my inspiration is, and it's never something that's easily explained.

People always ask about my influences, and they cite a bunch of people I've never heard of.

I never get nervous and I'm always very confident to the point where some people think I'm cocky.

When you're in championships, it's never about what you do. It's always about what other people do.

Cautious, careful people, always casting about to preserve their reputations... can never effect a reform.

I copied my brother. He was a natural dancer. Graceful. People always asked did we study ballet. We never did.

French people are never happy with what they have. They're always complaining. They're happy when they're complaining.

I've never said, 'I'm squeaky clean.' It's always the people who project that image that are hiding something. No one's squeaky clean.

I've got to tell you, I've played real characters before and people always bring up this word 'impersonation,' and I'm never entirely sure what it means.

I came to these mediums through having the garden, and of course, people who have designed gardens have always worked in collaboration, and never made their own inscriptions.

People always say you can't do a red lip if you have red hair but I've never shied away from it. I think you can absolutely do that. It's more about hair colour and complexion.

I do know people who buy these huge houses but I always think, 'What about all that furniture? You're never even going to sit on it!' I don't want to rattle round in a big house.

We had two terms of Barack Obama. Unfortunately, we have these people that are afraid, and they always try to roll us back, but they can never roll us back as much as we go forward.

I've always had self-belief, though my sensitive side has never been fully appreciated. For every 'Down in the Tube Station at Midnight,' I've written an 'English Rose.' People forget.

I always felt slightly grubbier than most American people. I was never quite as groomed as everyone else, never quite as fit as anyone else. I didn't have my protein shake and my vitamins.

I always looked upon the acts of racist exclusion, or insult, as pitiable, from the other person. I never absorbed that. I always thought that there was something deficient about such people.

I was always a little worried, because I had heard different things from different people about their pregnancies; some people have to stay in bed for months... you never know what you're going to get.

I have never met an intelligent optimist. That is not to say I think pessimism makes you intelligent, but I have always felt like an Old Testament Jeremiah or Cassandra from ancient Greece. I want to run down the streets warning people.

One of the things I really like about racing is that you can't fake it. As an actor, everything is fake. You're always trying to convince people you can do something you can't. And that's the opposite of racing. The stopwatch never lies.

All the Warner actors were real actors. They started in theater and led very straightforward lives - you never saw entourages around. The MGM girls were the glamour girls, and they always had the makeup and hair people with them and all that.

I always wanted to play with people's hair. I was really into 'The Golden Girls' and how big their hair was. I always had Barbies and Ken dolls, whose hair I wanted to play with and was always styling. I was very lucky - I never had to wonder what I was passionate about. I've always known that I'm really, really passionate about grooming.

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