I have a huge editor in my head who's always making me miserable. But sometimes, I try to let my unconscious act out.

I've always been a very passionate, sometimes overly emotional person. Sometimes things affect me more than they should.

I've always been accused of moving around too much when I play concertos. Sometimes, conductors ask me which of us is leading.

It is hard sometimes to always be at the centre of attention, but when you talk about me you also have to talk about the climate.

I sometimes think I've needed a bit of an arm around me in my career - which I've not always got from certain managers and coaches who didn't understand me.

Sometimes, of course, I could not belong to the boys club, but that's OK. There are always ways to do what I wanted to do. It doesn't really matter so much to me.

I would always pick pop songs and would sing them even if they were not correct for the audition - which didn't always get me a lot of jobs, but sometimes they did.

Sometimes the funnier you are, the more vulnerable and scared you are underneath it all. So I think, for me, comedy was always a defense. It was a weapon so that you can't hurt me.

I go to a lot of rap shows and sometimes take what they do from a performer's aspect, how they interact with the crowd. I always have a DJ with me on the road, as well as some dancers.

There aren't a lot of Portuguese models, so everyone always expects me to be Brazilian because of my features, sometimes even American, as I have a slight American accent when I speak English.

I've always been slightly self-conscious as an actor, and I guess that sometimes reads as pomposity. Starting when I was 30, I somehow gave off an impression at an audition that had them mentally put me in a three-piece suit or put an attache case in my hand. If there was a stiff-guy part, the director would brighten up when I came in.

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