English football is different: always on the attack. Although one thing is clear. The best football is the Italian.

In my case, I learned that although God loves us, he doesn't grant us immunity from the consequences of our choices.

We never stop reading, although every book comes to an end, just as we never stop living, although death is certain.

Sometimes because a woman is beautiful, she's not encouraged to be more, although she may have so much more to offer.

Although personally I am quite content with existing explosives, I feel we must not stand in the path of improvement.

I have two Portuguese league titles behind me, and although the Spanish league is different I am going to do my best.

I enjoy being part of the entertainment industry, although I'm the laziest person that I've met yet in this business.

When you do comedy, you can't please the world, although I'd like to think that most of my audiences were on my side.

Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.

I am an Aries. Although I do not believe in astrology, I think this is exactly the right sign to have been born under.

I am not exactly Mrs. Good Housekeeping, although I love to cook, bake, even iron, but only because it's not mandatory.

I've never felt like I was born with a silver spoon at all, although I've felt like howling at the moon a lot of times!

Although individual temperaments vary, boys are designed to be more assertive, audacious, and excitable than girls are.

We see many who are struggling against adversity who are happy, and more although abounding in wealth, who are wretched.

Not everyone reads comics, although most people know the major superheroes, but the majority of people play video games.

Both my parents are Scottish, and although I grew up in Canada after moving over, all of my family are proud to be Scots.

Although some people think I am a romantic novelist I have always thought of myself as a rather gritty radical historian.

Although beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, the feeling of being beautiful exists solely in the mind of the beheld.

Although slavery may have been abolished, the crippling poison of racism still persists, and the struggle still continues.

Although we love the idea of choice - our culture almost worships it - we seek refuge in the familiar and the comfortable.

Although you may get exhausted sometimes, you can still get over it if you have people around you who give you warm words.

I'm dyslexic, although they didn't have a word for it when I was in grade school. The teachers said I had 'word blindness.'

Although there has always been a hermeneutic problem in Christianity, the hermeneutic question today seems to us a new one.

I have learned to watch myself and give myself constructive criticism. Although I have to cover my face and peek sometimes!

The Eagles ended on a rather abrupt note, although in retrospect I realize now that it had been ending for quite some time.

If I'm filming 'Dragons' Den', we work flat out until 8pm, although I love seeing the weird, wonderful and plain delusional.

Although I had a good job as an advertising manager for a shoe company in Boston, I really liked to fool around with comedy.

Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, although they're not officially debt of the federal government, they are off-balance-sheet debt.

Science fiction writers foresee the inevitable, and although problems and catastrophes may be inevitable, solutions are not.

I'm 60, and I did 60-year-old women songs. I'm not trying to be the Hip-Hop Queen, although I am the original Hip Hop Queen.

Nobody is going to try to confiscate guns, although some Web sites know better: President Obama, they are certain, wants to.

I must say, I wouldn't turn down a superhero role, although there do seem to be a lot of British actors out there doing that.

I didn't want to be a former child actor for the rest of my life, although in some ways I suppose I am. I am going to be that.

If I have an idea, I write it down, although I usually carry a little dictation machine with me because I'm too lazy to write.

Although our rules and laws are now officially colorblind, they operate to discriminate in a grossly disproportionate fashion.

There are some things that I like, like education, wine, and I'd like to be a good cook, although I'm a pretty good eater now.

Although I am basically self taught, I consider Debussy my teacher - the most important elements are colour, light and shadow.

I have not reached a considered position on the question of court-packing. Although I don't think we should be laughing at it.

Although one may fail to find happiness in theatrical life, one never wishes to give it up after having once tasted its fruits.

But although life is not energy, any more than it is matter, yet it directs energy and thereby controls arrangements of matter.

No critic writing about a film could say more than the film itself, although they do their best to make us think the oppposite.

I don't really need to stand out, there's room for everyone. Although I haven't built a niche yet, I'm just writing love songs.

I don't think women have ever thrown themselves at me, although I'm quite naive about these things, or was when I was available.

Growing up, I wouldn't say I was poor. But my parents, although we lived in a nice, middle-class home, they had their struggles.

I went to the U.S. for business because I thought America is a big consuming country, although it's not an overconsuming country.

Although there's been a fighter before me called Mike Tyson, I'm my own Tyson. I'm Tyson Fury. I ain't trying to be anybody else.

Although golf was originally restricted to wealthy, overweight Protestants, today it's open to anybody who owns hideous clothing.

My mom and dad, although they may not have had a lot of formal education, they were two of the most brilliant people that I know.

Although even when I am being idle I have plenty of food for thought both early and late - thoughts both about and not about art.

If I'm a commodity, it wouldn't be a wise idea to buy stock in me - although, in the long run, maybe I'm a slow growth investment.

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