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But the power of instruction is seldom of much efficacy, except in those happy dispositions where it is almost superfluous.
I'm scammed almost every day. Or, if not scammed, at the very least someone tries to scam me. Usually more than once a day.
Almost all people have this potential for evil, which would be unleashed only under certain dangerous social circumstances.
I'm a slave to my dogs and go out with them almost every day. They are poorly behaved if they don't run. They really act up.
You are beginning to see that any man to whom you can do favor is your friend, and that you can do a favor to almost anyone.
To a contrarian like me, constant advice not to do something almost always starts me quickly down the risky, unpopular path.
My parents divorced when I was 10, but when my father was there, he was trying to create almost like a little prison for me.
I pray almost every day, and you can see that I pray on the pitch. I pray in the dressing room. That is just part of my life.
I meditate.' That's like saying 'I eat.' Think of all the food there is! And there are almost as many varieties of mediation.
I eat the same foods almost every day. I have my favorites like Filipino beef broth, chicken soup with lots and lots of rice.
Blaming speculators as a response to financial crisis goes back at least to the Greeks. It's almost always the wrong response.
The line between good and evil is permeable and almost anyone can be induced to cross it when pressured by situational forces.
I fell in love with flora of all types, especially ferns. Loved the sparse structure and repetition of shape - almost fractal.
Politics is almost as exciting as war, and quite as dangerous. In war you can only be killed once, but in politics many times.
Well, I don't use the toilet much to pee in. I almost always pee in the yard or the garden, because I like to pee on my estate.
I always almost miss my flight. My routine is to constantly, no matter how bad or good the traffic is, to almost miss my flight.
For almost seventy years the life insurance industry has been a smug sacred cow feeding the public a steady line of sacred bull.
In almost every job now, people use software and work with information to enable their organisation to operate more effectively.
The roll out of a new car is always filled with great anticipation; it's almost like going back to school for a new school year.
I see the NCAA holding off as long as possible to continue to make money off of its players. It's almost like modern day slavery.
There's been a lot of Catholic parody - 'Nunsense,' 'Sister Mary Ignatius' - I think they've almost been done to death, actually.
In literature, the ghost is almost always a metaphor for the weight of the past. I don't believe in them in the traditional sense.
Almost every customer that I talk to is talking about how they're using APIs, and what a step function they are for their business.
I considered obesity a disease. It can destroy you from within. It almost destroyed me, and I do not want that to happen to anybody.
Success depends almost entirely on how effectively you learn to manage the game's two ultimate adversaries: the course and yourself.
Information technology and the Internet are rapidly transforming almost every aspect of our lives - some for better, some for worse.
Upon leaving the E.U., Britain will find itself with more opportunities for economic innovation than at any time in almost 50 years.
To single out a particular group and say we can't make a joke about them is almost a form of prejudice and it's kind of patronizing.
We call a child's mind 'small' simply by habit; perhaps it is larger than ours is, for it can take in almost anything without effort.
A century ago, petroleum - what we call oil - was just an obscure commodity; today it is almost as vital to human existence as water.
Fear comes from uncertainty. When we are absolutely certain, whether of our worth or worthlessness, we are almost impervious to fear.
Working on a green screen set, yeah, it's almost like reading from a novel, taking those black words and creating a world around you.
The thought of' the inferiority of the Negro is drilled into him in almost every class he enters and in almost every book he studies.
Faced with the choice between changing one's mind and proving that there is no need to do so, almost everyone gets busy on the proof.
It is a truism that almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so.
I see my studio like a laboratory, where I work like an investigator - it's almost forensic. I love the discovery process in painting.
You can do almost anything with soup stock, it's like a strong foundation. When you have the right foundation, everything tastes good.
I almost resent the whole fashion thing. Good God- never wearing the same thing twice and all of those things. It's a pain in the ass.
Sketching is almost everything. It is the painter's identity, his style, his conviction, and then color is just a gift to the drawing.
It was an honor and privilege to arrive to this country 16 years ago with almost no money in my pocket. A lot has happened since then.
The thing about Christmas is that it almost doesn't matter what mood you're in or what kind of a year you've had - it's a fresh start.
If it hadn't been for Johnny Cash, I'd probably have been a Nashville songwriter because that's what I had done for almost five years.
Someone very important once told me, 'You can make almost everything look great.' That's the best compliment I have received till date.
It is rare that one can see in a little boy the promise of a man, but one can almost always see in a little girl the threat of a woman.
I'm sure a lot of players say it, but winning is almost so you don't lose. The thrill of winning is not as great as the pain of losing.
The exit polls suggest that after a relatively disappointing first term, Obama managed to reassemble almost all of his 2008 electorate.
Brazilian music has been a part of almost every record I've done, and I'd eventually like to record an entire album of Brazilian music.
I had this dream, and I really wanted to be a star. And I was almost a monster in the way that I was really fearless with my ambitions.
I almost drowned in the Hooghly river, which is something really crazy. If there is something about Calcutta that scares me, it's that.
I want my fans to love themselves. It's almost like I want to hypnotize them so when they hear my music they love themselves instantly.