I keep saying that I am made of two cities and all my friends. You learn different things from different people.

I've been truly blessed to have so many supporters and, of course, blessed to have my family and all my friends.

All my friends were cheerleaders, and I was the girl who hung out at home. I just worked on my music all the time.

All my friends went to the Madonna concert when I was in, maybe, the 9th grade, and my mother refused to let me go.

When Mom visits me in New York she hangs out with me and all my friends anyway. We go out to the gay bars together.

I kind of left everyone behind in Australia - all my friends and my family and I had to break up with my boyfriend.

I was maturing in a way that all my friends weren't. How is it that I'm 10, and I look 15, and all my friends don't?

All my friends and peers keep asking me when I'm going to rest - I just tell them it's another dirty four-letter word!

I think my parents raised me well. And I'm pretty straight edge. All my friends make fun of me for being straight edge.

September 11 happened, and all my friends were like, 'Let's join the military!' and I was the only one who actually did.

I'm honored and humbled to win the Nobel Prize. I thank all my friends for the support and assistance throughout my life.

I feel very lucky to have the freedom to do the things I want to do. And as I say, my clients are all my friends as well.

I didn't want to go get a job or get a degree in business or marketing, or whatever all my friends were getting degrees in.

Def Jam commented on one of my Instagram photos once, and all my friends me hit me up, like 'Yoooooo, you signed to Def Jam?'

Yeah, September 11 happened and all my friends were like, 'Let's join the military!' and I was the only one who actually did.

When I decided to come to Sacramento, all my friends thought I was crazy. They said they still have cows and sheep around Arco.

All my friends were choosing university courses, but I had no interest in anything other than acting, so I applied to go to RADA.

All my friends are usually at festivals... I just have so much adrenaline running, I literally could run a marathon after my shows.

It just means so much to me that America voted for me, and I get to see all my friends and family supporting me and crying with me.

I often refer to myself as a gay man and all my friends are gay and I would like nothing more than for them to be able to be married.

I always wanted to go into the military or something like that - my whole family, all my friends are either Air Force, Navy, or Marines.

I lived at home and found myself really, really lonely because all my friends were enjoying college and partying, and I didn't have that.

When I was 12, that's when I went to college. All my friends were 20, 21, and I was 12. It didn't even occur to me that that was strange.

Twitter means all my friends are in my computer. All my ideas are in my computer. I can do whatever I want in there; I'm kind of... bionic.

Bubba, in my old day I party on the road with all my friends. Now, I respect my family I respect the world and I don't do anything anymore.

I am thinking about those things now. More so than all my friends - they're a lot older than me, but they're not even thinking about babies.

Having a Mary Poppins-themed birthday party when I was 5 - all my friends went in dresses, and I went as a chimney sweep. I was a real tomboy.

But I'm thrilled to be employed, and to work with all my friends and people that I admire. You're just lucky to work - that's the bottom line.

I started a list of all my friends who had died of AIDS, and I stopped at 78. I think about things like that, and I'm just real glad to be here.

All my friends were off on gap years, so going to New York alone, at the age of 18, was kind of my flying the nest. It was an amazing experience.

The funny thing is, all my friends are short. I wasn't aware of tall people till I got to high school. I didn't know they existed. I was sheltered.

Every time I come home, and every time before I leave, I invite all my friends and I get hummus from this little shack in Tel Aviv called Baadunas.

I'm introverted, and all my friends make fun of me because all I do is work out and play golf. I'm a grandma: stay in most nights and asleep by 9:30.

When I got to college, acting suddenly seemed like a very risky proposition and all my friends were going to law school or med school or Wall Street.

All my friends are female, I've edited for a magazine for young girls for 15 years, I relate to women, and I'm very, very close to my younger sister.

It was hard to get guys to notice me, period, because I was so skinny and all my friends were curvy. Plus, I used to be very nervous in front of guys.

When I read 'Absalom, Absalom!,' I remember being really excited about it and telling all my friends they had to read it, especially my writer friends.

All my life I have faced this awkwardness, as I almost sound like a guy. In fact, whenever I would call my friends, their dads would say, 'Hold on son.'

The popular girls let me hang out with them because I was funny. They told me that. 'You're not popular, but you're funny.' Now all my friends are funny.

I had to learn to jog because I run like a fish. All my friends found the thought of me running on screen hysterical because I do absolutely no exercise.

All my friends had grandparents who had accents. I thought all grandparents were supposed to have accents. My friends were all second-generation, as I was.

At school my boobs were bigger than all my friends' and I was afraid to show them. Now, I feel they make my outfits look better. They're like an accessory.

I like to have fun. I'm also a bit of the crazy one. All my friends are boys. I was bullied a lot by girls in school. There was also too much drama and demands.

My mom actually arranged for all my friends and I to have a makeup tutorial when we first started wearing makeup. That way, we learned how not to do our makeup.

I had assumed that I would age with all my friends growing old around me, dying off very gradually one by one. And here was a plague that cut them off so early.

I grew up with SpongeBob - it came out in 1999, right before I turned 7. So it's been a part of my life and all my friends' lives and defined our humor, in a way.

We didn't have a TV in the living room and all my friends thought we were kind of weird. When they'd come over, my mom wanted to talk to them about current events.

It's funny: All my friends back home are always wondering why every television show I'm on is a drama, but all the comedy pilots I did died a slow and painful death.

When I was younger, all my friends were older - John Ford, Howard Hawks, Alfred Hitchcock, Orson Welles, Jimmy Stewart and Cary Grant. I loved talking to those people.

The artist I wanna be like is Michael Jackson. I'll get the house with the roller coaster and the rides and a disco, and I'll invite all my friends and just stay at home.

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