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I didn't mean to be a songwriter; I just was writing for fun, you have all day to do it. I was homeless so that's all I had to do.
The kind of job where you come in and work 9 to 5, and where someone tells you what to do all day is becoming scarcer and scarcer.
All I do all day is think of ideas and implement them. That's an industry, you know. I'm trying to make art on a commercial scale.
I'm pretty laid-back in real life. I just love hanging with my friends and making jokes. The jokes don't stop - literally, all day.
I've been completely surprised at the outpouring of just incredible amounts of positive feedback and love from people all day long.
Cats, unlike dogs, are independent creatures. They do not need walking and are content to be alone all day, providing they are fed.
My grandmother and my mother and my grandfather, their style of praying was - all day long, they would pray by singing and humming.
Eventually my goal is get a place in Ojai where I can have animals and a big garden. Just drink wine all day and hang in my garden.
I honestly eat chocolate all day long. I do realize how blessed I am to be able to eat what I want and not have to live in the gym.
Spiritual people don't float around all day on clouds of glory; they live in the real world and deal with real issues in real ways.
My only memories of school are of being beaten, of being hit in the playground, of masters poking their fingers in my chest all day.
I was never in an improv group. But when I went to school, we would do it all day long with friends, not knowing what it was called.
I have combination skin so if I wear too thick foundation, I can feel it sliding off in areas, and then I'm conscious of it all day.
I'm a hip-hop kind of guy, but to be honest with you, I could listen to R&B all day. Give me some slow jams, and I'm a happy person.
The producer role attracts introverts. Making music on your computer is so appealing to someone who just sits in their room all day.
For me, if I stay on the couch all day - or even one day - I'll be more tired doing that than going out and giving my body a workout.
I'm at my desk for about 9:30 A.M., and I stay there all day. Then there's a lot of checking Facebook and eBay and that sort of thing.
Charlestoning is hard. People were fit in the '20s to be able to do that. I guess they didn't sit in front of their computers all day.
Just like when I was in the NFL, you've got to find those smaller dudes - and when you get your hands on them, it's bad news - all day.
I worked at Sears as a salesperson when I was in college. Makes me nicer to folks to have to stand all day and be nice to picky people.
I want to own a network. I want to own a network where you can turn it on with your family all day long and get positive reinforcement.
I work all day, morning and afternoon, just about every day. If I sit there like that for two or three years, at the end I have a book.
I want you to tell me how bad I suck and how I'm going to get knocked out and how I've been lucky my whole career. That's fine. All day.
I'm one of those idiots; when I'm working in America, I wake up with an American accent and stay with it all day till make-up comes off.
If I weren't acting, I would own my own chocolate shop in Paris. I would be a nice, overweight person that makes chocolate all day long.
I worked all day, every day. I thought about Tinder in the shower and dreamed about it at night. It wasn't just my job - it was my life.
On weekends, I sit in a lounge chair on my balcony. I love to be outside when the weather's right. I can stay there pretty much all day.
I can rippity rap, lyrical miracle all day, but if you don't have a message behind it and you not saying nothing, it doesn't make sense.
But being a director of a media school in Hyderabad, being actively involved in animal welfare and my personal life keep me busy all day.
Our Siamese cat, Ollie, is like a dog in a cat's body because she is really loyal and very chatty, following me around the house all day.
The film world is a crazy place to be. You sit around all day waiting for the phone to ring. Are people talking about you or aren't they?
I am a person who dreads any kind of public exposure and any kind of public event. I spend all day, if I have to do a reading, preparing.
All day I wait for my job, which I do at night, and once I get there, I walk a tightrope, jump through hoops, and take breathtaking dives.
Depression isn't about, 'Woe is me, my life is this, that and the other', it's like having the worst flu all day that you just can't kick.
I normally like to do a lip pencil and then fill it in with the same pencil because it stays on all day, and you don't have to reapply it.
I tell my boyfriend that... we should get a ranch so we can just adopt all the dogs that need homes, and they can just run around all day.
I write all the time because I'm lonely. When you're acting, you're working every day all day. But then you have long amounts of time off.
I've been broke and sad, rich and sad, broke and happy, rich and happy, and I'll take the rich version over the broke version all day long.
Do you think I'm wandering around all day thinking, 'I must write a song called 'Three Coins In The Fountain'?' Only an idiot would do that.
I had to change the shape of my own voice. It was quite hard to pull off and so once I had it, I stayed in Hitchcock's voice all day on set.
My energy levels are off the charts. I can run all day, I breathe well, and I sweat a lot, so the toxins and impurities come out of my body.
When you can't see someone all day long, the only thing you have to evaluate is the work. A lot of the petty evaluation stats just melt away.
I don't want to get stuck practicing basketball all day, so that's why I'm always moving: because I don't like to be stuck in one mind-frame.
PlayStation 3 is another form of meditation. Come on, when you're on set, all day? That's what I do in my trailer, I just play PlayStation 3.
The first purchase I made with my own money was a single by The Kinks, "All Day and All of the Night" and still one of my all time favorites.
I've seen guys sit the whole day doing nothing, and I hate it when people are unproductive. I don't like a guy who sits on the couch all day.
Our society, where we are right now, our minds are junkyards. We watch TV and sit on the computer all day and barely have an original thought.
I'm not playing for other musicians. We're trying to reach the guy who works all day and wants to spend a buck at night. We'll keep him happy.
I would come here, too. Who doesn't want a free ride? I want to ride in the carnival for free all day long and put my whole family on welfare.
I work with dogs and cats all day long. I work by myself, for myself. I'm around 15 or 20 dogs every day of my life. It's just like wrestling.