If I hear the word 'retire,' it makes me want to throw up. And then do what? Sit around all day watching television?

Some of my best memories of growing up on Long Island include spending all day fishing for fluke on Great South Bay.

Getting a bunch of horses to just stand there all day and do nothing is much harder than getting them to run around.

If I lived my life according to what Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh said about me, I would just stay in bed all day.

When I think back to my childhood, I just think of the word 'freedom.' In the summers, we spent all day on the beach.

We're so very focused on ourselves and on self-promotion. It goes on all day with Facebook and Twitter and Instagram.

I can't stand wearing the same clothes all day. It makes me insane. I like to dress for the afternoon and for dinner.

As a writer, you sit around a computer all day, and it's too easy to open another tab and keep Rotten Tomatoes there.

I don't really get hungry that much. Sometimes I get cravings for certain foods. But I can go all day without eating.

Just because you're a different size doesn't mean you're sitting on the couch eating bonbons all day long watching TV.

When I went through my life, I was like, 'I sit around and play video games all day. Nobody wants to hear about this.'

I watch '60 Minutes' and 'Dateline' and '20/20.' I work in fantasy all day, so when I go home I want to touch reality.

I was very protective of my father and I didn't like these people who hung around outside all day. They creeped me out.

Marriage is tough. I can tell my wife all day long that I love her, but it doesn't mean anything if you don't show that.

If you're sitting in front of the TV, you can't have ice cream. But if you're running around all day, then yeah, you can.

These little daily choices that we're so used to thinking are irrelevant are the most important thing we do all day long.

Working with Michael Chiklis is a lesson in professionalism and staying focused. That's what Chiklis brings all day long.

When I was younger I used to want to own a sweet shop so I could eat sweets all day, but that dream died a long time ago.

When what you do is play characters every day, all day, I wasn't really interested in playing a pop star on the weekends.

I am very lucky that I get to go to work and laugh all day for my day job, and then go home and torture my artistic self.

I don't use e-mail; I phone and fax. I think people who are hunched over their computer screens all day should get a life.

I'd hate to be a teetotaler. Imagine getting up in the morning and knowing that's as good as you're going to feel all day.

Depending on who it is, but I can't stand men who brag about themselves, and all they do all day is talk about themselves.

There's a bunch of stuff I want to learn. Instead of waiting around on set all day, I'd rather be learning something cool.

I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day.

I know a lot about words. I get paid to write stories, so I get to talk with people about the meaning behind words all day.

If someone was out all day, we wouldn't give them just one cat, because they would be lonely - we would give them two cats.

Skateboarding was everything to us growing up. It changes the way you see the world: you spend all day looking for ditches.

You can't just watch people type all day, and you can't really show screenshots of code and make it interesting in any way.

When someone is impatient and says, 'I haven't got all day,' I always wonder, How can that be? How can you not have all day?

There's nothing worse than walking around and talking about your failed relationship, all day, every day, for months on end.

My dad worked all day. He would get up at five in the morning and didn't stop working until 10 at night, every day the same.

A lot of American actors I work with are in character all day long. You can't talk to them. It's Method and the whole thing.

My best exercise is going on stage and playing, but I stay active. I don't just sit around on my butt all day and do nothing.

You can never go more than three or four hours without having something to nibble on or eat - you have to graze all day long.

To me, somebody can say what they want about me all day, whether it's my game or my personality or who I am as a human being.

You eat and sleep it all day long and play on the streets until mom calls you in. My story is no different than anybody else's.

I would play hooky from school and spend all day in the movie theaters. Consequently, I learned satire in all its subtle forms.

I'm not your average talk-show host. This is a tough grind. Morning TV, you wake up at 5:30 in the morning, and you go all day.

I wear Blundstones for hiking. They're like a work boot with a bit of grip, so you can wear them all day. They're quite groovy.

Even if I'm gone all day, breakfast is the one meal I always cook for my kids. I make French toast, oatmeal, or an egg burrito.

It was a wonderful experience to live the life for a year; to spend all day doing Shakespeare and then do a play in the evening.

I like to be in my pajamas all day. Sometimes I don't wash for days because I like to read and sit around. I like to eat in bed.

I like being alone. I need a lot of alone time as a human. And especially on a movie set when you're around people all day long.

As a parent, my fantasy is to cook every meal, read every story, do everything, and also work all day. I'm overly hard on myself.

I had a peace all day. I knew it was a tough golf course. I probably prayed more the last three holes than I ever did in my life.

I know it's dangerous to take on bloggers. They can go after you every day, all day long, and anonymous people can chime in, too.

I find it's only when something is trying to come through I really practice. And then, I don't know how many hours. It's all day.

I hate morning workout; I'm a night person more. But it's good to work out in the mornings because then you can have all day free.

I hate the thought of my children being glued to a screen. Children only play on computers all day because their parents let them.

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