There was no one alive who did not contribute his share of mystery to the world.

Most people are alive in an earlier time, but you must be alive in our own time.

I feel vulnerable to the astonishing beauty of being alive and to Mother Nature.

When you feel most alive, find out why, This is one guest you won't greet twice.

There's no battered woman alive who didn't know in advance that the man was bad.

Sometimes the dead are more alive than the living. And they can kill the living.

Be yourself, don't take anything from anyone, and never let them take you alive.

I'm a bit of a night owl because that's when I feel the most creative and alive.

Wail not too wildly for expiring Love: The Love that dies was never quite alive.

I'm in a weird band. We've done very well. The American Dream is alive and well.

What is revolution except a systematic way for one species to eat another alive?

Part of the beauty of fiction is that we come alive in a body that we don't own.

I'm worth more dead than alive. Don't cry for me after I'm gone; cry for me now.

If Marx was alive during the Stalinist period, he'd be first to be in the gulag.

If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing a couple of car payments.

I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day.

Every now and then I know it's kinda hard to tell, but I'm still alive and well.

Be the best at what you do. Get to know more about your field than anybody alive.

Adventure, yeah. I guess that's what you call it when everybody comes back alive.

Even the most introverted person alive is constantly hungry for human association

Poetry holds the knowledge that we are alive and that we know we're going to die.

Empty and cold, but it keep me alive. I gave it my soul, so that I could survive.

Don't take life too seriously. After all none of us are getting out alive anyway.

If you're alive, make a lot of noise, because life is the very opposite of death.

Stories can bring alive the moral universe in a very vivid, useful, engaging way.

I just want the world to know that God is present, that he's alive for ever more.

Statistics say that I'm supposed to be in jail. And I'm not supposed to be alive.

Isn't a kid alive who doesn't dream about rewarding her folks, or punishing them.

'E's all'ot sand an' ginger when alive, An''e's generally shammin' when'e's dead.

I was doing everything I could think of to protect my husband and keep him alive.

Competing in gymnastics is the greatest reminder of being alive as a human being.

I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.

Bryan Lee O'Malley has been alive since he was born and will lives until he dies.

Everything we know about Hamilton, we knew when he was alive, because he told us.

It's hard enough to be alive and human, without the additional burden of being me.

I like to feel that something's alive in acting, like something's really going on.

A man stays alive as long as he is remembered. He is killed only by forgetfulness.

As the director of a film, as the story teller, you have to keep your voice alive.

Recognize this as a holy gift and celebrate this chance to be alive and breathing.

I have a deep reverence for everything that is alive, a reverence for life itself.

He had no strength for any other war than his own solitary struggle to keep alive.

In Spain, the dead are more alive than the dead of any other country in the world.

I used to worry about what life was for - now being alive seems sufficient reason.

That's the problem with being alive ... You've got to keep thinking of what to do.

What art does is it makes you feel alive and makes you feel like you're connected.

I have my heroes. Some of whom are still alive, and unfortunately many that aren't.

When I'm on stage, I feel alive. It's the most rewarding feeling an actor can live.

The difference between living and feeling alive, is using your fear as fuel to fly.

Only the hardest roads make us really feel that we are alive! Leave the easy roads!

My mom said the only reason men are alive is for lawn care and vehicle maintenance.

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