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I think if aliens came to Earth, we would laugh. If there was an alien technology, we would laugh.
What we were doing was alien in '92. We were less than immediately accepted by our fans and peers.
If I speak my version of Spanish in Spain, they laugh. Same with Mexico. It's an alien world to me.
For every person that says I'm the new Audrey Hepburn, someone else says that I look like an alien.
We don't have to treat homosexuals like they are aliens living amongst us. They are regular people.
It is difficult to imagine evolution in alien planets operating in any manner other than Darwinian.
While many alien species are harmless, others pose expensive threats to seas and fields and forests.
Dennis the Menace was probably the most realistic comic book ever done. No space aliens ever invaded!
For all the spectacle of CGI, there's something alien and unreal about that domain, like a videogame.
There's so much interest and curiosity about alien life, interstellar travel. It's always in the news.
The aliens of 'The 5th Wave' are not the aliens we've imagined. Not the aliens we'd like to attack us.
Congress has consistently rejected policies that aim to allow illegal aliens to serve in the military.
I think if we ever encountered aliens, even communicating with them would be really, really difficult.
I think Russian people are learning that democracy is not an alien thing; it's not a western invention.
How do you live with one person for 13 years and another for eight and find both as alien as strangers?
Science fiction has always used metaphors and disguises, talking about alien civilizations or the future.
Maybe I'm a product of my era, but I just enjoy the practical effects of 'The Thing' more than CGI aliens.
I did have an offer to direct one of the Alien movies but I wasn't too excited about all the effects work.
To expect alien technology to be just a few decades ahead of ours is too incredible to be taken seriously.
Playing an alien gave me plenty of scope, and I was able to develop it once I became a member of the team.
'Deadpool' was 'Alien.' It's brilliant. It completely works. It's a masterpiece. 'Deadpool 2' is 'Aliens.'
Now some alien force seems to have come and captured the Dodgers. I don't know what happened to my Dodgers.
Illegal aliens have broken our laws, and they shouldn't be rewarded with amnesty and immediate legalization.
I am working with Donald Trump to deport dangerous illegal aliens, build the wall, and end sanctuary cities.
When someone intelligent comes around, and looks at life around football in a different way, it can be alien.
I can't take 'The Room' and show it to an agent and say, 'Hey man, cast me in something.' It's an alien film.
I think maybe it's time for liberals to not start weeping when I say things like 'retard' or 'illegal alien.'
The way woman is defined by marketable modeling and commercial standards... It makes me feel alien to myself.
'AVP' is not trying to be 'Alien' or 'Aliens,' and it's not trying to be 'Predator.' Those are genius movies.
The tabloids, instead of being about alien babies and stuff, it's my triplets, quadruplets, marriages, feuds.
When we look at something that is alien to us, that is beyond our comprehension, what do we see but ourselves?
My reluctance to use alien invasion is due to the feeling that we are not likely to be invaded and taken over.
'Hamlet' is so modern; 'Coriolanus' is utterly alien to our consciousness, and that makes it difficult for us.
An agent said he didn't know what to do with me, I wouldn't be able to play any parts but lesbians and aliens.
Hollywood continues to present the U.S. Army as being the good guys, always defeating the aliens or foreigners.
I take aliens very seriously and don't appreciate light entertainment or weak approximations being made of them.
Look, bro, you mean to tell me that Elon Musk not a alien? C'mon, brah, he's trying to get people to go on Mars.
We meet aliens every day who have something to give us. They come in the form of people with different opinions.
I really wanted Michael Jackson to be in the first Men in Black, but he didn't want to be considered as an alien!
The Jacques Cousteau shows actually got me very excited about the fact that there's an alien world here on Earth.
The first time I saw E.T., the actual image of an alien, and he was so sweet-looking. I wanted him. I wanted E.T.
Science fiction made me aware of how big and strange the universe was, leaving aside the whole question of aliens.
I felt alien my whole life, but I didn't feel alien because of my gender. Other people made me aware of my gender.
I'd like to play an alien, like from 'Starman' or 'K-PAX,' where it's human. I think I'm destined to play an alien.
I always wanted to do a sci-fi movie, but most sci-fi scripts are either about saving the planet or fighting aliens.
I have been the last space marine between earth and an alien invasion. I really just don't need to go there anymore.
We need to be discussing issues specifically to help the American people. And that would not include illegal aliens.
We have the ability to shut down the flow of remittances to Mexico from illegal aliens working in the United States.
With work and life, your true depth can become an alien thing to you. Your gut feelings, your instincts become buried.
Right now, American law bars the admission of aliens suspected of terrorist activity - but not of terrorist sympathies.