I always looked up to Billie Joe because every song on Green Day's albums was catchy and good.

I have complete artistic control, and I just do my best album every time and trust it to fate.

Just like a Led Zeppelin album stands up today, we hope our album stands up in 10 or 20 years.

I love the Bee Gees, but only the pre-disco stuff. From '64 to '69, I've got all their albums.

I think that I've got some pretty bad reviews on albums or songs that later proved themselves.

All tapes left in a car for more than about a fortnight metamorphose into Best of Queen albums.

I feel like I'm only in the beginning of my career. I've only made five albums. It's not a lot.

I feel like I haven't started yet. I'm looking forward to the ninth album, the thirtieth movie.

You never know when you put out an album that's unique whether it'll get beat up for it or not.

I hope that books don't go the way of albums and CD, large format albums, and physical product.

This album [Stroll] and all my songs that break barriers are more reflective of my personality.

More recently, I used guitar synthesizer extensively on the two albums I did with Robert Fripp.

It was quite a shot in the head to do the album and then have it shot down by nonmusical idiots

I'm always happy when I see something written on an album that wasn't just typed on a computer.

I like expansive stuff that has a lot of space in it, like some of the early Pink Floyd albums.

I would love to make an album full of ballads. For a listener, I want to have variety on there.

Japanese music was so crazy! The J-pop and everything. I never scooped up an album or anything.

I want to sell out arenas and make an album and work with some of the best artists in the world.

Every leading lady I work with, I'll see if I can get a song out of them and put it on an album.

I've been on the songs of all these rappers that put out an album, and my music is still better.

Family photo albums are so powerful in that they make kids feel valued, cherished and respected.

Marilyn Monroe never sold a platinum album. And more people know my music than what I look like.

It's a blue album, but it's not a blues album. I'm not pretending all of a sudden now I'm blues.

I received an award for 25 million in [album] sales the night before the bus accident [in 1990].

I am completely attached to my roots, and therefore you will see a Pahadi touch in all my albums.

Mike Tyson, what can I say about you that hasn’t already been the title of a Richard Pryor album?

I write most of my own lyrics for my album and I am helping to produce some of the songs as well.

Somebody that comes and dumps a brand-new album on me and doesn't play the old stuff, I'm pissed!

I want to be an all round entertainer, I want to act, make films, make albums, do whatever I can.

The weird thing was that Soft Cell was supposed to have come and gone before I started the album.

I picked up the Joss Stone album, Josh Groban, and the new Norah Jones. I love, love, love Norah.

My path is exactly where I want it to be. I'm doing my thing. I'm getting better with every album.

I'm working on my new album right now. Hopefully to get that out at the top of 2005, January 2005.

If you put a Van Halen album in your record collection, it will melt all the rest of your records.

Every album is just a greatest hits of whatever songs are on a pile when I go in to make a record.

I have recorded nine tracks for a new album which I financed myself and am looking for a home for.

One thing I always hated with CDs is when people started putting 65 to 75 minutes on their albums.

Who cares about how many albums you've sold when you have sold out arenas and you're making money?

And it wasn't until '84 when I was first asked to come to Sweden and do an album and concert tour.

I would say that my peak was making my first million at the ripe age of 29, after the first album.

It would be cool for someone to ask me about some of the structural choices I make with my albums.

My album will manifest many things I saw,did or heard about; I talk first hand never word of mouth.

I didn't want to put myself, or anyone else, asleep with another quintessential Mark Kozelek album.

I would like for people to appreciate the album musically whether they knew how it was made or not.

I always write the first and last song of an album first, and then the middle just kind of happens.

Ice-T is so old that the first thing he bought with the money from his album sales was his freedom.

I knew 'Hurt' way before Dad recorded it. In 1992, 'Downward Spiral' was one of my favorite albums.

I want to be the kind of artist who keeps pushing on every album. I don't want to settle on a sound.

I feel like I write the same album every time but each time I try to convey the message more simply.

Yes, I co-wrote a song on the album called "Good Friend To Me" with Annie Roboff and Bekka Bramlett.

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