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I voted for the Deficit Reduction Package with significant heartburn over the student aid provisions.
Foreign aid is not something the vast majority of Americans support, but definitely not conservatives.
'Rent' is about a community celebrating life in the face of death and AIDS at the turn of the century.
President Obama has made maternal health one of the core priorities of U.S. international aid funding.
The Order of Merciful Aid provided merciful aid, usually on the edge of a blade or the burn of a bullet.
I'm grateful for doing those drugs, because they kept me from getting laid and I would have gotten AIDS.
[N]ature repairs one thing from another and allows nothing to be born without the aid of another's death.
The scholar is not apt to make his most familiar experience come gracefully to the aid of his expression.
For me, poetry has no point in existing if it's not to be a prompt or aid to political and ethical change.
Everywhere I go I see increasing evidence of people swirling about in a human cesspit of their own making.
I'm part of a team that raises millions of dollars and raises awareness of HIV and AIDS all over the world.
Being clear of clutter is one of the greatest aids I know to discovering and manifesting the life you want.
I came of age during AIDS and the terror of that and the sadness and the death and the overwhelming despair.
I think we all realize that anyone can - and has - gotten AIDS. So there's obviously still a lot to be done.
I asked my body if it was going to die or not from AIDS. And it said 'no.' I sort of paid attention to that.
AIDS is an absolutely tragic disease. The argument about AIDS' being some kind of divine retribution is crap.
Man, I loved The Smiths so much. I thought they looked awesome, and Morrissey had hearing aids like my Papaw.
I don't know what aids creativity. All I know is that it feels natural to hold a guitar in my hands and sing.
I felt like calling attention to AIDS. I had the AIDS ribbon colored into my hair during the playoffs in '95.
Just like the Alamo, somebody damn well needed to go to their aid. Well, by God, I'm going to Viet Nam's aid!
This imperiousness which aids us in all things is merely a fitting authority which comes from superior spirit.
Particularly conservative Christians, I was very angry that they were not involved more in the AIDS emergency.
A playwright has a responsibility in his society not to aid it, or comfort it, but to comment and criticize it.
I started to write about science and medicine at the 'Washington Post,' in the early days of the AIDS epidemic.
U2 was involved in Live Aid, and I ended up going to Ethiopia and working there for some time with my wife, Ali.
Early in 1986, the World Health Organization in Geneva still regarded AIDS as an ailment of the promiscuous few.
Our advantages fly away without aid. Pluck the flower. [Lat., Nostra sine auxilio fugiunt bona. Carpite florem.]
You've got to watch the politics of AIDS. The politics of AIDS can work both for and against the victims of AIDS.
As long as we do not know how the cell works, we don't know the kind of havoc the AIDS virus creates in the cell.
Education is spreading hope. Millions are now learning to live with HIV/AIDS - instead of waiting to die from it.
Our rules need to keep pace with current technology so that Americans who use hearing aids can easily use phones.
Science is something that you have facts. They can be tested. They can be checked. Heterosexual AIDS, another one.
I found out through the Internet that I have AIDS. I learned that I was dead. Where else would I find these things?
AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals.
A Hamas terrorist, a UN aid worker and a journalist walked into a Gaza hookah bar. And no one could tell who was who.
The only time I had a normal boyfriend was during the time of AIDS, so maybe that saved me. It's certainly not karma.
AIDS is the leprosy of the 21st Century. Where did Jesus hang out? With lepers. Jesus would love on people with AIDS.
You can't stigmatize people, you can't cut away people you admire just because they suffer AIDS. It's just not right.
It's hard to brief in the Oval. You know, you can't - no visual aids, hard to roll out something in front of somebody.
I just feel I've got thousands and thousands of young fans that have to learn about what's real when it comes to AIDS.
HIV infection and AIDS is growing - but so too is public apathy. We have already lost too many friends and colleagues.
I have a file of letters and bits of ephemera from friends who have died. I have had lots of friends who died of AIDS.
Babylon, Learned and wise, hath perished utterly, Nor leaves her speech one word to aid the sigh That would lament her.
I got an email from my ex, telling me that she has AIDS. I didn't know how to comfort her, so I just wrote back I know.
China is certainly an important player in the global economy, and a widespread AIDS epidemic would threaten that growth.
I drank the Kool-Aid of being a network star. Once it didn't happen, I realized it wasn't the best version of my comedy.
Africa's salvation doesn't lie in begging and begging for more aid, and as an African, I find it very, very humiliating.
I don't think President Bush is doing anything at all about Aids. In fact, I'm not sure he even knows how to spell Aids.
I am a little deaf now. Without my hearing aids in, I miss a lot of peripheral sounds. I had tinnitus, too, for a while.
There are two things that I put my focus on. One is the fight against AIDS and finding a cure. The other is human rights.