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Killing a person with a 8 cm ling blunt knife is a bloody affair.
In Sea affairs, nothing is impossible, and nothing is improbable.
You don't have to have lots of love affairs to know what love is.
Photography is no longer a love affair with the beauty of reality.
A defeatist attitude kills almost as many marriages as do affairs.
The perfect love affair is one which is conducted entirely by post.
Alas! by what slight means are great affairs brought to destruction.
Never crowd youngsters about their private affairs - sex especially.
I'm pretty sure my love affair with science-fiction started with ET.
South America goes its own way dramatically in international affairs.
Quantum est in rebus inane! How much folly there is in human affairs.
War isn’t declared in the name of God; it is a human affair entirely.
At the beginning of a love affair, not even the neurotic is neurotic.
We ought to seek God's assistance in our affairs just as they happen.
We are concerned in public affairs, but immersed in our private ones.
I've had affairs. But I'm not the sort of man who has 10,000 affairs.
When a writer talks about his work, he's talking about a love affair.
Affairs are just as disillusioning as marriage, and much less restful.
Comedy makes the subversion of the existing state of affairs possible.
I talk about very serious human affairs but with a lightness of heart.
I have to make this love affair believable enough. It's very European.
Health is a consumation of a love affair of all the organs of the body.
On television, I love 'The Crown,' and 'The Affair' is so psychological.
Tell me,” Isabelle said.“Who it was. That my father had the affair with.
Another important rule of affair-having: Never be discreet at the office.
I'm in love with golf, and I want everybody else to share my love affair.
Having an affair with an intern is just an incredibly stupid thing to do.
Serious affairs and history are carefully laid snares for the uninformed.
I think I'd want to have an affair with a Montgomery but marry a Taggert.
I don't care about Clinton's haircuts or his affairs or any of that stuff.
A man having an affair is acceptable, women are called characterless. Why?
As I create art, it is like a love affair. My days go by loving what I do.
Yeah, that's a cool name, but it's a monstrous intrusion into our affairs.
Truth is the summit of being; justice is the application of it to affairs.
There is no simplistic approach to worthwhile achievement in human affairs.
Human affairs are so obscure and various that nothing can be clearly known.
America's love affair with traveling into outer space is deeply entrenched.
No man is responsible for his father. That was entirely his mother's affair.
Emotional affairs, those are the only real affairs; those are the real ones.
I'm originally from New York, and I just have a love affair with that place.
Artist colonies are notorious for breaking up marriages and housing affairs.
The truth is that I am enslaved... in one vast love affair with 70 children.
I have always felt that a man's religion was his personal and private affair.
Society would be a charming affair if we were only interested in one another.
The worst state of affairs is when science begins to concern itself with art.
That is my work, to transform your life from a sad affair into a celebration.
We have never meddled in the domestic affairs of any state and we never will.
To give prayer the secondary place is to make God seconday in life's affairs.
I soon learned that Everest wasn't a private affair. It belonged to many men.
I have long believed that women should play a much bigger part in our affairs.