Adult stem cell research has produced some 67 medical miracles.

Most of my adult life I had this towering contempt for America.

I have an only child. She's so independent and good with adults.

Probably no adult misery can be compared with a child's despair.

Kids don't have the same sense of their own mortality as adults.

Journalism's been a continuing course in adult education for me.

Science has become adult; I am not sure whether scientists have.

Adults devise a plan and follow it, children do what feels good.

I spent most of my adult life essentially agnostic or an atheist.

What consenting adults do behind closed doors is not my business.

Philosophers are adults who persist in asking childish questions.

Making eye contact with adults while dressed as a clown is risky.

If you want to be treated like adults then start acting like them.

Kids can still call me Shaq, but adults should call me Dr. O'Neal.

Coraline wondered why so few of the adults she met made any sense.

The young have all the same flaws adults do. Plus one: immaturity.

Play is the royal road to childhood happiness and adult brilliance.

Can we not interpret our adult wisdom into the language of boyhood?

An adolescent is both an impulsive child and a self-starting adult.

On the whole, I prefer Christmas as an adult than I did as a child.

I came into adult life equipped with an essentially romantic ethic.

Children are wickeder than adults, they have no sense of restraint.

It's better to build a peaceful child than re-build a violent adult.

Pertussis is a disease that adolescents and adults give to children.

Im a truly loved kid, and hopefully it will make me a happier adult.

Children often have a much stronger concept of morality than adults.

The sexual life of adult women is a "dark continent" for psychology.

Most adults have forgotten what they had to do to survive childhood.

Children ought not to be victims of the choices adults make for them.

When you're kept out of the adult world, it's a blessing in disguise.

Was that what it means to be an adult, to live with ugly ambiguities?

We don’t really care about test scores. We care about adult outcomes.

There wasn't much as a kid that inspired me in what I did as an adult.

I don't need to prove I'm an adult by being ultra-sexy that's immature

Adults will not necessarily laugh at the same thing as their children.

Children don't vote but adults who do must stand up and vote for them.

Kids and adults pay a price for too much tech, and it's not wholesale.

Shirley Temple had charisma as a child. But it cleared up as an adult.

When you feel protective toward your parents, you have become an adult.

I watched 'My Girl' as an adult pretty recently, and it's a good movie.

Children who assume adult responsibilities feel old when they're young.

For the First Time in My Adult Lifetime, I'm Really Proud of My Country

Millions of Americans, adults and children, lack access to dental care.

As of 2002, two million Latino adults had been diagnosed with diabetes.

I'm still trying to be a kid. I really don't want to feel like an adult.

Once I got my driver's license everybody treated me like I was an adult.

I'm all for bringing back the birch, but only between consenting adults.

Don`t let life randomly kick you into the adult you don`t want to become

The traditional role of the Senate has been to be the adult in the room.

Smoking is, as far as I'm concerned, the entire point of being an adult.

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