I have a thing for just a white shirt and blue jeans. I think I grew up looking at too many GAP and Calvin Klein ads.

Web media needs to move to TV metaphor - with full-screen imagery and other content interrupted with full-screen ads.

I don't think I'd have been in such a hurry to reach adulthood if I'd known the whole thing was going to be ad-libbed.

TV ads are great for broadcasting, but voter turnout is about narrow-casting. And not all messengers are created equal.

It is hard to get good actors who also do television, ads and films. Theatre requires six weeks of rehearsal for a play.

I think daily deals are a good idea. Any ad people view as content is a good ad, and that's true for daily-deal ads too.

If advertisers want to decorate their ads to increase their conversions by showing what users think, that's a good thing.

My being bought as a politically outspoken artist is a more potent advertising tool for Apple than a 100 more explicit ads.

I didn't realize at the time that if I wrote about something, I was going to have to talk about something. A lot. Ad nauseum.

Did I grow up thinking I'd ever be paged at the Beverly Hills Hotel? Did I ever think I'd make so much money writing ads? No.

As a practicing Catholic, I am shocked that the Catholic League is speaking out against my PETA ads, which I am very proud of.

If people really don't want ads, they can go find their information however it is they want. It's a free world on that matter.

I was in Shanghai recently, where Twitter is blocked, and yet there were ads and billboards across town with hashtags on them.

I'll tell you what I probably would prefer to happen less and less: actors that I know and respect in shampoo ads. Or modeling.

So what starts is ad hoc and you never know where it's going to lead, so it's important to keep an open mind about those things.

I struggle as a writer, and I'm convinced that if I was at school now, I'd be termed as having ADS. Two minutes and I'm drifting.

One of the most overused phrases in political commentary is that someone is running a 'negative' campaign filled with 'attack' ads.

One of the things that was probably to Dad's discredit was that he was never a fund-raiser. But he didn't live in an era of TV ads.

Facilis descensus Averno Noctes atque dies patet atri ianua Ditis Sed revocare gradum superasque evadere ad auras Hoc opus labor est

Serving up ads based on behavioral targeting can itself be an invasion of privacy, especially when the information used is personal.

I had a bad stutter when I was really young. I couldn't get a sentence out. Like, 'D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-ad.' And that turned into a mumble.

When I see those ads with the quote 'You'll have to see this picture twice,' I know it's the kind of picture I don't want to see once.

I don't think people in Hawaii like negative ads, whether it's done by an independent group or whether it's done by the campaign itself.

With the advent of wearable technology, companies will soon be able to better provide ads to customers based on their real-time activity.

Most ads are about the product or the company that makes it...the best ads are about the customer and how the product will change his life.

I love design in general, the creativity. Whether it is golf courses, my apparel line, ads we do or our business with AriZona, design is fun.

If I do a certain number of ads, I have to do a personal project in between, just for my own sanity. I still consider myself a punk-rock kid.

I used to see Estee Lauder's ads everywhere in the subways of Beijing, and I thought how wonderful it would be if the model on them was myself!

I have a handful of people who work for me - those who do our hair and make-up, ADs - they're like family, so taking care of them is necessary.

If it were a choice between putting ads on Wikipedia or shutting down Wikipedia, we would then very reluctantly consider putting ads on Wikipedia.

People don't understand the logistics of advertising. To have the ads purchased and run, you need to have a series of products that work together.

Why can't science work on making women more entitled in general? Or at least get us to listen to those L'Oreal ads that tell us how we're worth it?

Ads featuring real women and real beauty are such a necessary component to offset the potentially dangerous programming out there for little girls.

One of our secret-sauce powers is that our people don't just write checks and place the ads, but our employees go the extra mile to get things done.

Darkwing Duck and Don Karnage are the most fun to do, because they're both probably the closest to me - I kinda improvise a lot of them, kinda ad lib.

Generally, our approach with products at Google is to first develop the right user base and then to figure out what's the right experience for the ads.

I don't like outside group ads. I don't like attack ads. I particularly don't like them now that I'm in the process and they are being used against me.

Once they become AKC registered, the newspapers will become flooded with ads for them. And you'll see Border collies in pet stores and animal shelters.

Acting is acting, whether you do it on TV, film, web, theatre or ads. It depends on the person, time and situation, what the individual wants to choose.

If I can convince people that good people don't do attack ads, and that we want good people to represent us, then the attack ads work against themselves.

TV ads let people know you're still around. Not only do they sell albums, they give you a high profile. They let people know you're out there and working.

There's a lot of opportunity for game developers to show value to people, things they want to spend money on. I think offers are just another kind of ads.

What this means is that the first week of every new series of ads will continue to yield softer results than you can expect to see in weeks two and three.

I worked in ad sales. I would call up local businesses and try to get them to buy ads in the paper. The whole time, I felt like I was just scamming people.

Google is a business that gets paid when users want to see - want to click on - the ad. If we show ads that no one wants to see, we don't generate revenue.

I love milk so much! I make a point of drinking a glass of milk every day. So now anyone who did those milk ads with the milk mustaches, they're my heroes.

We try hard to provide the best user experience possible, and that means the best ads possible, so we work with the brands to come up with the best images.

It's interesting to note that Michael Ignatieff's ads don't mention Michael Ignatieff. Nor do they mention any positive plan for the economy or the country.

Why should I have to say bye to one thing to do another? I can do lots of things at one time, and as much as I love to do films, I'd love to do ads as well!

I try to maintain a high level of coolness. Which means I've gotta look at lot of magazines. I've gotta look at a lot of ads to see what people want to wear.

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