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I have admired David Bromley's work for years. He possesses such a wild and vivid imagination and really sees the beauty in everything.
Jack Johnson was the first black heavyweight champion, so I took part of his name. I admired Rocky Marciano, so I took part of his name.
My dad was a surgeon in Egypt. He was a general surgeon. As a little boy I always admired what he was doing, and I wanted to do surgery.
I have always admired and had enormous respect for Elizabeth Taylor. She was not only an incredible actress but an amazing woman as well.
Not disown my past or upbringing, but I'd admired American actors, really American movie star - particularly the rebel heroes of the '50s.
Both 'Oz' and 'Homicide,' they're critically admired, so it's not like they're really neglected, but I wish they'd found bigger audiences.
Andre Agassi is one of the world's most popular and admired figures. He has lived an extraordinary life, and he has a great story to tell.
I didn't start to work until I realized what it was I had to offer. I stopped imitating performers I admired and started just being myself.
I have always wanted to work with Lingusamy, as he is a master of commercial cinema. I have always admired his etching of female characters.
There's been a lot of talk about Jack White wanting to work with me, and I've always admired him, and of course, he lives in Nashville, too.
Celebrities who lend their names to causes to raise lot of money for important issues should be admired and not marginalized and made fun of.
I always admired Frank Sinatra. He had ups and downs, but he didn't give up his style. He had what might have been a tough life or character.
The best form of flattery is to be admired, imitated or respected. I've always felt proud our fans look up to us or feel we are inspirational.
I loved Cary Grant. I got to know him and Audrey Hepburn. Here were these people I always liked and admired, and they were coming to my house.
My father worked real hard. I admired him. My father taught me you needed to work with your brain and not your back. I've made that a passion.
I suppose when I started out I would have liked to have been the darling of critics or something, but everybody wants to be loved and admired.
There were a lot of people I really admired and that I liked watching, but not that I tried to compare myself or emulate or nothing like that.
I couldn't say no to A. Philip Randolph and no to Martin Luther King, Jr. These two men, I loved them, I admired them, and they were my heroes.
I grew up reading - and loving - stories by Andre Norton. I admired and idolised her from afar. Her stories helped shape my own internal world.
My number-one hero in terms of interdisciplinary art is Laurie Anderson, but I've always admired anyone who can think way beyond any one medium.
Park Bo Young was like a teacher to me. Personally, we were good friends, but at the same time, I admired her acting and learned a lot from her.
I was just learning to play guitar when Tracy Chapman came out. She wrote these songs, she played them by herself and I so admired her for that.
Bill Gates has always been a mentor and inspiration for me even before I knew him. Just growing up, I admired how Microsoft was mission-focused.
I get paid to go work with people I've admired since forever, and I get to learn from them? What? I would pay to go sit and be a fly on the wall!
J. J. Abrams is a director that I've admired for a long time, from the very first scripts he wrote - including 'Regarding Henry,' which I was in.
I mean, the actors that I admired were Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, an actress named Barbara Harris. And Greta Garbo. They were great actors.
I'm not a vegetarian. But I think people who are vegetarians, they are actually more virtuous than the rest of us. I think they should be admired.
Turks have long admired the sultan, Mehmet II, for his military triumphs, especially his capture of Constantinople, now known as Istanbul, in 1453.
To be able to work with people who I have respected and admired, to be a part of something like the Cannes Film Festival, is surreal and brilliant.
I worked with Dalton Trumbo, who served time for refusing to give up names of people that were accused of being Communists. I've always admired him.
I'd love the opportunity to continue to work in the U.S. with people I have always admired and I also want keep telling stories from where I'm from.
I have so many favorite writers, it's very hard to select a few... of classic writers, I have always admired Emily Dickinson and Henry David Thoreau.
I have always admired people who are comfortable not being liked because I am the opposite of that. To the point when I was little, it was crippling.
It was an absolute pleasure working with Stephen Graham. I've admired his work for many years, and what he brings is that real sense of authenticity.
In person, my father is so friendly, so considerate, so funny, and so real. I have admired my father all of my life, and I love him with all my heart.
I always wanted the flowiness that hip-hop artists had. I always admired how they rapped so fast, but I never wanted to rap; I wanted to sing the rap.
In the past, art was admired and revered from afar. Today, there is more of an interactive relationship between the art and the person who admires it.
Growing up in Cleveland, I learned about singing from my mother, who had once sung professionally and who admired Mahalia Jackson and Aretha Franklin.
I admired what my students were writing, but I think their improvement doesn't directly result from me but from being in a class, being with each other.
The footballer I've admired most in the last ten years is Zinedine Zidane... one of those rare individuals who had the skill but also incredible vision.
The average Hollywood film star's ambition is to be admired by an American, courted by an Italian, married to an Englishman and have a French boyfriend.
Gary Johnson's refusal or inability to name a single foreign leader, current or former, whom he admired, showed that he is not ready for the presidency.
The actors I would like to work with are Julia Roberts, just because I've admired her work for a long time, well Brad Pitt. I think you know my reasons.
I registered as a Republican when I turned 18 because of Ronald Reagan - he was the president at the time; I admired what he stood for. I respected him.
Now that I am much older, I have had a number of sax players tell me I was responsible for them playing sax. Some of them I have admired over the years.
The arts and crafts architecture of Letchworth and Welwyn Garden City is now hugely admired. Remember much of it was stimulated through open competition.
I don't know if my perspective is different because my dad played but I've always admired footballers: second division players, second division B players.
Ai Weiwei, who is both a widely admired conceptual artist and a fearless human-rights activist, has been on the bad side of the Chinese government for years.
I have long admired Univision - a pioneer in the industry - and recognized the tremendous potential and influence of the burgeoning U.S. Hispanic population.
Paul and I were friends, the Moody Blues toured with the Beatles on the second British tour. That developed into me working with Paul, whom I always admired.