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I'm always looking for additional revenue streams.
Humans are contributing to additional carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Extra homes require additional services and councils have to pick up the tab.
I would like to see additional funding for entrepreneurial development programs.
As more people live longer, we can expect there to be additional costs for society.
If, for people, Instagram is just entertainment, for me, it's an additional burden.
I've got problems and if you sentence me to additional time, I'm going to compound them.
Now that I have called you on your false accusation, you are using additional smear tactics.
In bookstores, my stuff is usually filed in the out-of-the-way, additional interest sections.
Having a purpose and knowing exactly what your values are will add additional years to your life.
The automatic stabilizer is unemployment insurance, food stamps, additional coverage of Medicaid.
High status males had multiple wives or additional mating opportunities in the ancestral environment.
I didn't record any additional dialogue for this CD, they are excerpts pulled from existing episodes.
Our mission to defeat ISIS has been slowed down by the need to defend from additional Iranian attacks.
The more energy-efficient we become as a nation, the less we need to develop additional energy sources.
Developing countries need to commit additional resources and have the political will to improve education.
If you vote to leave the E.U.... we will have additional flexibility to help industries who really need it.
And getting married this autumn was certainly an additional incentive to spend rather more time in England.
We should not put additional stressors on God's creatures through irresponsible trade practices in wild birds.
One of the things we worry about when we cut the tax on gasoline is that it basically stimulates additional use.
Dog - a kind of additional or subsidiary Deity designed to catch the overflow and surplus of the world's worship.
I think a lot of jobs, with that additional artificial intelligence, we can augment human capabilities and impact.
Movie stars today are as greedy for additional kids as bankers are for bonuses. It's the new badge of authenticity.
Anytime we make additional investment in a coal plant, we are really challenging whether that investment is economic.
When developing intelligence assessments, initial tactical reports often require additional collection and validation.
Clearly, Donald Trump's victory is an additional stone in the building of a new world, destined to replace the old one.
I was provided with additional input that was radically different from the truth. I assisted in furthering that version.
Each additional idea is a gift to the future. Each additional idea producer is a source of wealth for future generations.
If we create enough new companies, there will be additional opportunities for people at every rung of the educational ladder.
We got our land at the right time, but when we go for additional land for our schools or the museum, there will be extra cost.
I just believe strongly that anybody who wants to pursue additional education after high school ought to be given that chance.
I strongly support an 'all-of-the-above' energy policy that includes additional development of wind, clean coal, and bio-fuels.
I think we need to start to punish time wasting more rigorously, for example with more additional time or earlier yellow cards.
We know our future's not guaranteed, so every day, we have to relentlessly pursue additional actions to drive our competitiveness.
The pickup points are a natural additional network for delivery. For me, the surprise is that Amazon didn't come up with that idea.
For Gazprom, 2015 is turning out auspiciously. We already see the possibility for additional investments in our investment program.
If 8chan comes back online, it will be done when 8chan develops additional tools to counter illegal content under United States law.
I have heard firsthand from several small business owners about their struggle to borrow and their fear of taking on additional debt.
Writing in another language gives me an additional freedom, an additional way of thinking. It's a challenge, but I like the challenge.
The Democrats' obsession with the Kochs as a political target is, indeed, additional evidence of a truly Nixonian approach to politics.
The one thing that's absolutely clear is that Karl was not the source for the leak and there's no basis for any additional speculation.
At some point, policymakers will get around to dealing with additional policies around climate in ways to incentivize certain behaviors.
I started out working on supersymmetry. The theory predicts that for every particle we know about, there will be an additional particle.
I believe that 20-somethings would be more likely to embrace experimentation - and provide additional value - if they felt safe to do so.
I was born in Jerusalem in 1939 to a poor family that shared a rented four-room apartment with two additional families and their children.
I do not want to impose additional taxes on the employers at a time when our economy is very fragile and we want to encourage them to hire.
So, these political activities will create friction in and of themselves, and in this environment of friction there'll be additional violence.
More combat planes, missiles and soldiers won't provide additional bread for our families, desks for our schools, or medicine for our clinics.
The only way we can reduce the number of these endangered species is to improve and provide additional habitat where they can live and reproduce.
For true augmented reality, the display would have to dynamically focus, which would require additional hardware on the glasses to read your eye.