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Friends with benefits? More than friends? Don't sample the goodies unless you're willing to risk addiction and withdrawal.
We can no longer continue feeding our addiction to fossil fuels as if there is no tomorrow. For there will be no tomorrow.
Yemen is a symbol of our continued military hubris in the Middle East - an addiction Obama was supposed to cure but didn't.
If a child has an older sibling involved in an addiction, there is a 90 percent chance that he or she will get involved too.
What’s so bad about addiction? I can’t remember. Isn’t it something about giving up your freedom? Isn’t freedom an illusion?
I was what they call a 'highly functional addict.' ... sometimes people who need help look nothing like people who need help.
You know, we think about addiction as a morally reprehensible choice, but addicts act crazy because, in a way, that they are.
Openness is the first step toward recovery... addiction remains a secret because of the overwhelming shame associated with it.
My bulimia was my addiction. Hurting myself was my addiction... The music is what saved me. That's the only thing I can trust.
She didn't love him and he didn't love her; she was like an addiction, and what they were doing had a darkness to it, a weight.
the reward for total abstinence from alcohol seems, illogically enough, to be the capacity for becoming intoxicated without it.
People are going to keep getting prescribed medication that is counter to what their real disease state is, which is addiction.
That is the one single word that the food industry hates: 'addiction.' They much prefer words like 'crave-ability' and 'allure.'
I don't want Christmas season to end, because it's the only time I can legitimately indulge in on particular addiction: glitter.
I have the obsessiveness of someone who's a sober, recovering addict displacing his addiction. Except I never had the addiction.
Money doesn't mind if we say it's evil, it goes from strength to strength. It's a fiction, an addiction, and a tacit conspiracy.
I believe that for the typical smoker nicotine satisfaction is the dominant desire, as opposed to flavor and other satisfactions.
I have a little bit of an addiction to work. So I'm always hiding in the bathroom with my Blackberry to work when I'm on holiday.
Incarceration is as useful for addiction as it is for diabetes - i.e., not useful and potentially harmful, particularly for kids.
At the end of a project I get very weird, you know, in my head because I'm not doing it. It's like an addiction. I have to do it.
If you're happy, you eat. If you're sad, you eat. You lose a job, you eat. You get a job, you eat. It's, you know, it's addiction.
We love each other, that’s true whatever it means, but we aren’t good at it; for some it’s a talent, for others only an addiction.
Each of us is great insofar as we perceive and act on the infinite possibilities which lie undiscovered and unrecognized about us.
By kicking its carbon addiction, America will increase its national wealth and generate millions of jobs that can't be outsourced.
In the future, judges will send criminals to holy spots where reverence-provoking beauty will overwhelm their addiction to hatred.
So often we have this image of what drug addiction looks like, and it's not fun. Our loved ones who go down that path are in pain.
Is there something in druggy subjects that encourages directors to make imitation film noir? Film noir itself becomes an addiction.
It wasn't a deliberate decision to become a poet. It was something I found myself doing - and loving. Language became an addiction.
Over-eating is the addiction choice of carers, and that's why it's come to be regarded as the lowest-ranking of all the addictions.
I have to be careful with surfing. It's still an addiction to me. It's all I want to do, and that's the big dilemma I have with it.
Pot is like a gang of Mexican bandits in your brain. They wait for thoughts to come down the road, then tie them up and thrash them.
Giving up an addiction means re-programming that part of your brain that makes you restless and unhappy if a desire is not realized.
The thing about addiction is you think you're getting off on people, and you're not, and the only person you're fooling is yourself.
A good addiction is a contradiction in terms. Anything people can't give up or must have is not healthy, no matter what the activity.
How important is it really that you feel satisfied right now for 2 minutes, compared to getting yourself free from addiction forever?
When it comes to mountains there are two kinds of people; those who walk half way up & quit & those who conquer it which one are you?
Show business can be an addiction. ... An audience would laugh at me one night, and I would chase that high for another three months.
There is no reason to think today's levels of [drug] addiction are anywhere near the levels that would be reached under legalization.
Everybody knows that L.A. is known for its addiction to the single-passenger automobile, the gridlock, the congestion on the freeways.
What has drug addiction done for me? It's cost me my career, my fortune and basically my sex life when I found out I was HIV positive.
The thing you love right away, don't do it, because that's the very thing that's going to be your addiction for the rest of your life.
I have a slight addiction to Diet Coke, and, of course, I absolutely shouldn't touch it because it makes the kidneys work really hard.
The trouble with addiction is that you can park the car but you can never switch off the engine or stop yourself from hearing the revs.
I think what television and video games do is reminiscent of drug addiction. There's a measure of reinforcement and a behavioural loop.
Sobriety itself is today's high, for it is ultimately in the most centered consciousness that we find our power to transcend the world.
Shame was an emotion he had abandoned years earlier. Addicts know no shame. You disgrace yourself so many times you become immune to it.
Drama can be an addiction. It's so, so sneaky. Jealousy - all of those things can really send you in a lot of different crazy directions.
A staggering 63 percent of Americans say that addiction to alcohol or other drugs has had an impact on them at some point in their lives.
It's time to transition beyond our fossil fuel addiction to a just economy based on green jobs, renewable energy, and local organic food.
I have other obligations now - the show, my family, my life... though I know that without my sobriety I wouldn't have any of those things.