Money doesn't buy elegance. You can take an inexpensive sheath, add a pretty scarf, gray shoes, and a wonderful bag, and it will always be elegant.

The best place for a leader isn't always at the top position. It is the place where they can serve the best and add the most value to other people.

The government does not add value to the economy. It removes value from the economy by imposing taxes on one citizen and providing cash to another.

In 1255, Louis IX of France presented an elephant to Henry III of England to add to the menagerie of exotic animals he kept in the Tower of London.

I've got a funny way of looking at things. It's because I'm dyslexic, and I was diagnosed with ADD when I was younger. And I'm left-handed as well.

I like to come into my workspace and feel it's a living environment and not frozen, which is why I often change or add to the pictures on the wall.

At the end of the day the question comes, what are you doing for the world? You have to try to do something that's going to add something positive.

When it comes to snowing people, one effective technique is to get a whole bunch of verifiable facts right and then add one or two that are untrue.

He took a few steps before responding. "You are special," he finally said, and the way e said it made her wonder if he wanted to add something else.

The Pigtronix Envelope Phaser pedal is a definite 'must have' for your Funk recipe adds definite Funkaliciousness to your WOO stew.

Nobody has done Mariah Carey whistle-tone notes in country music that I've heard of, and if you're capable of doing it, you might as well add it in.

In fiction, the actions of a villain, even when unspeakable, can be cathartic to read about. They let us experience darkness, but add a safe remove.

One thing most people would agree is that climate change would add further uncertainties to our already quite tight water supply situation in China.

When I write music, these colors pop out of me. It's hard to describe, but basically when I write music, I paint, and I add colors, and I add notes.

So many famous iconic American songs are protest songs, and I think that the vast majority of artists will only continue to add to that body of work.

In an ideal world, an individual's institutional power would be correlated perfectly with his or her value-add. In practice, this is seldom the case.

On a moonlit night, after a snowfall, or under cherry blossoms, it adds to our pleasure if, while chatting at our ease, we bring forth the wine cups.

I tend to lean toward romance, characters, and relationships when I write, so I have to add to the setting elements and world-building when I revise.

In Mexico we have a trick - add a crystal of salt to the kettle and the tea tastes better, almost English. But after four pots, your kettle's broken.

I'm kind of ADD. So I try to do one thing at a time. Otherwise, I would be sort of scattered and won't be 100% where I need to be for certain things.

Conspiracy! Intrigue! A rapidly thickening plot! Add some bestiality and a lecherous priest and I'd say you have the beginnings of a beautiful novel.

We, the generation that faces the next century, can add the solemn injunction 'If we don't do the impossible, we shall be faced with the unthinkable.'

I don't add any deliberate nuances to the way I sing. I've seen so much and been all over the world, but I'm glued to my roots, and that comes across.

Because of styles people are separated. Research your own experience, absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is essentially your own.

We, the generation that faces the next century, can add the solemn injunction ''If we don't do the impossible, we shall be faced with the unthinkable.

There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower.

The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much it is whether we provide enough for those who have little.

I use Cetaphil face wash. It's really simple. Nothing super fancy. I just feel like it needs to clean your face and not add or take away from anything.

It's my music. It's my craft. If you don't like it, then turn it off. Don't listen to it. But a lot of people listen to it... The numbers, they add up.

To add to our misery and despair, a bloated aristocracy has sent to China - the greatest and oldest despotism in the world - for a cheap working slave.

I used to walk in a bookstore and see all these books on the walls. And I would say, 'Who wants to hear from me? What do I have to add to all of this?'

You can bind my body, tie my hands, govern my actions: you are the strongest, and society adds to your power; but with my will, sir, you can do nothing.

Most people don't do front squats because they're uncomfortable, and there are easier alternatives, but to really add size to the quads, they're a must.

Some may think fashion is frivolous, but the way I see it, when you dress well, you add beauty to the world. And there's nothing wrong with that, right?

The short story is still like the novel's wayward younger brother, we know that it's not respectable - but I think that can also add to the glory of it.

Believe it or not, my best meal is to go to the store and buy a DiGiorno pizza, come home, add some fresh Parmesan cheese, and just hang with my family!

When you take an energetic song and add it to one of the most energetic live performance set's you get pure mayhem...which is what the fans want to see!

You get [something] in your body that is the suffering or the problem, and then you [add] a second one, which is worry. In both cases, [it is] pointless.

I'm a very textural composer. I care a lot about textures and gestures. Electronics add so much to that. It's like a flavor - it creates so much texture.

People who add value to others do so intentionally. I say that because to add value, leaders must give of themselves, and that rarely occurs by accident.

Since time is the one immaterial object which we cannot influence neither speed up nor slow down add to nor diminish it is an imponderably valuable gift.

Do you want my input or is this just an angry tirade you need to vent? (Acheron) Both! (Kat) Okay, you rant and I’ll add my comments at the end. (Acheron)

Pick up a grain a day and add to your heap. You will soon learn, by happy experience, the power of littles as applied to intellectual processes and gains.

For the sake of the troops, for the love of the troops, we must not add yet another casualty to this war. We must not let truth be a casualty of this war.

My Mexican specialty is chilaquiles. I make tortillas from scratch, then add garlic, onions, eggs, chopped-up carrots and peppers, Jack cheese, and salsa.

The direction and rhythm of human progress do not depend on the masses, even when they add up to hundreds of millions; they depend on superior minorities.

It's no longer just reporting the headlines of the day, but trying to put the headlines into some context and to add some perspective into what they mean.

Having in my life been bitten by the jaws of both victory and defeat, I must rush to add that success is to failure as butter pecan ice cream is to death.

I take 12-bean soup mixes, soak the beans overnight, boil them up, add tomatoes and flavoring, and freeze it. I'll have a cup a day. It's very nutritious.

In computer animation, every detail has to be thought out, designed, modeled, shaded, placed and lit. The more you add, the more computer memory you need.

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