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I am not going to pretend that flying a spaceship will be as safe as getting in a 747 with four engines for a flight across the Atlantic.
A snowdrift is a beautiful thing - if it doesn't lie across the path you have to shovel or block the road that leads to your destination.
Twitter's a great way to tell people across the world what I care about and, hopefully, motivate them to join me in furthering my causes.
Bridges represent archetypal problems. They are artifacts that bring you across or around an obstacle. So they have an unbelievable force.
When I visit businesses across New Hampshire, they tell me that their No. 1 need is even more highly skilled workers to fill job openings.
I am a huge bull on this country. We will not have a double-dip recession at all. I see our businesses coming back almost across the board.
Across all U.S. intelligence agencies, there is a lack of cultural respect and a poorly tuned attitude toward foreign peoples and cultures.
Every day, in every city and town across the country, police officers are performing vital services that help make their communities safer.
I don't speak a lot of English, of course, but I do try to express myself, and usually, I can get across to people what I am trying to say.
At the end of our lives, we step across the threshold or death and enter into a new and better world. I believe that. It's just that simple.
I turn my feet in when I'm sitting down. I tend to put my arms across me when I'm sat thinking; I bend forwards. Loads of protective curves.
I come from where Mike Tyson came from. I come from right across the street from Jay-Z. I didn't have a pond in my backyard. I saw violence.
War is being waged all across the country against the invasive plant and animal species - some 50,000 of them - now spreading across the U.S.
We had hoped to have been bringing you Arthur the Human Chameleon, but this afternoon, he crawled across a tartan rug and died of exhaustion.
A financial plan is a way to take all of the money advice you come across and figure out how it applies to your specific financial situation.
If you have to lie, cheat, steal, obstruct and bully to get your point across, it must not be a point capable of surviving on its own merits.
Whenever I feel my chops are slacking, I'll play some wide-stretch trilling exercises and take them up and down the neck as well as across it.
The cologne you pick should make you feel good when you go out with it. I think confidence comes across more than any other of our attributes.
Equality for men and women, across the world, not only in sports, is the goal. We obviously have a long way to go, but every little bit helps.
An awareness reached across America that if Native American people had to resort to arms at Wounded Knee, there must really be something wrong.
Who would have thought it would be possible to run across Canada on one leg, eh? I wanted to try the impossible and show that it could be done.
One of the interesting things about making a kids TV show is that you are in living rooms all across the world and you never know who's watching.
Music is a powerful tool in galvanizing people around an issue. There's no better way to get your point across than to put it in a beautiful song.
I'm a big road trip guy. I'm the guy who gets in the RV and drives across country. And when you do that, you really get to see small-town America.
You watch enough TV, and very soon the inside of your head has become a vast, arid plain, across which you cannot detect the passage of a thought.
Saturn is accompanied by a very large and diverse collection of moons. They range in size from a few kilometers across to as big across as the U.S.
I remember all too well the premiere of Ecstasy when I watched my bare bottom bounce across the screen and my mother and father sat there in shock.
Collaboration is the best way to work. It's only way to work, really. Everyone's there because they have a set of skills to offer across the board.
If we're so cruel to minorities, why do they keep coming here? Why aren't they sneaking across the Mexican border to make their way to the Taliban?
The Planck satellite may detect the imprint of the gravitational waves predicted by inflation. This would be quantum gravity written across the sky.
Laboratories can reduce risk by implementing a proven and internationally accepted quality assurance technology that is applicable across the globe.
Romania can be a linchpin in delivering gas to its neighbors and even become an energy exporter for its neighbors across Central and Eastern Europe.
Personality is the glitter that sends your little gleam across the footlights and the orchestra pit into that big black space where the audience is.
I am the most conservative person you will ever come across, and that's because I'm good at reducing risks while leaving the potential rewards high.
Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.
I believe that Conservatives do best when we focus on strong ideas for our future and when we leverage the strength of grassroots across the country.
One night Roger was in a foul mood and he threw his entire bloody drumset across the stage. The thing only just missed me - I might have been killed.
A few years ago I was at a party and this guy threw me over his shoulder, ran across the street, put me in his car, and stuck his tongue in my mouth.
I grew up in the north of England, in New Castle, which is where Hadrian's Wall starts on the east coast of England and then goes across to the west.
Friction and misunderstandings often occur when communicating across generations. It gets even more challenging when working across virtual settings.
How many crossroads are you allowed to have in life? I seem to have a lot of crossroads. I think maybe I crossed back across the same road too often.
It was always important to me to make sure Pooh came across as much more than a bear of very little brain. There is an innate wisdom there somewhere.
Cinema is an art form that is designed to go across borders. And as a filmmaker, the only way I can direct a movie is when I feel close to my culture.
I don't add any deliberate nuances to the way I sing. I've seen so much and been all over the world, but I'm glued to my roots, and that comes across.
Countries across the world are taking action now to help them track paedophiles and terrorists who abuse new technology to plot their horrific crimes.
There was an ingredient used in perfumes and remedies in the Middle Ages called 'momie' that is certainly one of the most fascinating I've come across.
I wanted to do Playboy to get across the same ideas I'm singing and writing about these days. It's all about proving that a woman can defy stereotypes.
The women who inspired this play deserved to be smacked across the head with a meat ax and that, I flatter myself, is exactly what I smacked them with.
Changes in relative ionic concentration across the postsynaptic membrane are readily effected by altering the ionic composition of the external medium.
I've had the good fortune of teaching and preaching across much of the globe, while also struggling to make sense of my experience in my own tiny world.